“What are you waiting for? Are you going to put on your clothes, or should I take this to the lab? Maybe uploading your nudes will be better,” Richard said, setting his phone camera.
“Don’t!” Adriana screamed. Her eyes searched for her clothes, and she grabbed the first thing she saw—a towel.
“I will pretend like this never happened because you’re Julio’s daughter. If it were just your scheming mother, I’d make you pay dearly for tricking me into seeing your skeleton of a multicolored body.” Richard turned to leave, but Adriana’s voice stopped him in his tracks.
“What’s so special about Kristin? I understand that she’s beautiful, and her fringe adds depth to her innocence, but she’s nothing but a loose woman!”
Richard’s anger flared as his cold gray eyes pierced into Adriana’s body, sending shivers down her spine. Despite the fear building inside her, she continued speaking.
“My mom told me how much of a loose woman she is—getting drunk and spending a night with a man she doesn’t know.
If you ask me, you shouldn’t be with such a woman; she’s nothing but a disgrace—”
Before she could finish, Richard rushed toward her, delivering a thunderous slap that almost deafened her. For a brief moment, she was certain she couldn’t hear a thing.
With her hand on her cheek, she looked at Richard in shock; she hadn’t expected him to actually hit her.
But Richard didn’t stop there. His hand went to her neck as though he wanted to choke her for insulting his wife.
“Whose wife are you calling a disgrace?!”
“Ric—hard,” she struggled to breathe.
“There’s just one thread holding me back from showing you the real me, and that’s because you’re my father’s daughter! But I’m not so patient with people like you, Adriana.
Push me too far, and I’ll no longer consider you my father’s daughter. I won’t hesitate to send you to your grave!” Richard’s baritone voice roared at her as he released his grip from her neck.
Adriana fell to the ground, coughing hard, her hands clutching her neck.
“Let this be the first and last time you pull such a stunt. You call Kristin a loose woman because of a mistake she didn’t plan to make.
What about you, flaunting your body to men? I’m not the type to be swayed easily by a woman’s body, but there is one woman who drives me crazy without even trying.
I don’t need to spell out her name for you, do I?” Richard said and walked out.
Adriana screamed loudly after he left. Her phone rang, but she refused to answer. When the calls kept coming, she turned off the phone and flung it onto the bed.
Richard drove away from Julio’s house, furious that he had fallen for Adriana’s trick. It was now clear to him that she was manipulative, and he vowed never to fall for her schemes again.
Arriving at the hotel, he found Luke, who was smiling at something on his phone.
“What’s making you smile?” Richard asked as he approached.
“It’s nothing,” Luke replied, pocketing his phone. Richard frowned.
“Are you keeping secrets from your boss now?”
“It’s nothing related to work.”
“Even better. Since you consider me a brother, spill it.”
Luke chuckled. “Since when did you become so nosy?”
Richard frowned, and Luke laughed, his dimples making him look even cuter.
“I was talking to Mina.”
“Mina? Who’s Mina?”
“Kristin’s friend. She invited me to a concert for her favorite band.”
“I didn’t know you two were close.”
“Not really. We just became friends recently.”
“You know she’s in love with you, right?”
“I know, Richard. And I’m not using her to get over Cecelia, if that’s what you’re thinking. I know what it’s like to have your heart broken by someone you love. I wouldn’t do that to Mina.”
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