Protected: INTO THE DEPTHS OF LOVE : CHAPTER 121 – 130


“Then why did you become friends with her?” Richard asked, wanting to understand Luke’s intentions since Romina was Kristin’s best friend, and anything affecting Romina might affect Kristin, too.

Luke exhaled, uncertain himself why he’d become friends with Romina.

“I don’t know why, Richard. But rest assured, I’m not using Mina to get over Cecelia.”

“I trust you, Luke.”

Luke smiled, though it didn’t last. “Where did you go earlier?” he asked.

Richard didn’t hesitate to tell him about his encounter with Adriana. There was no reason to hide it from him.

“Is she mentally insane? Why would she do that?”

“I have no idea, Luke. She said I should consider her a sister, yet she showed me her irritating body.”

“I think she likes you,” Luke said with a smile.

“Then she should be ready to have her heart broken,” Richard replied, knowing Kristin was the only woman who held the key to his heart.

“Are you planning to tell Kristin?”

Richard nodded. “Also, I need your help with something.”

“What is it?”

“My wife had her exam today. Can we work together to surprise her with a congratulatory celebration? You’ll only help with the decorations, not be part of the surprise,” Richard said, furrowing his brow. “And stop calling my wife your buddy.”

“Can you stop being a jealous husband? I think of Kristin as a sister; she’s all yours,” Luke said, shaking his head with a smile.

“So, will you help out?” Richard asked, tucking his hands into his suit pockets.

“Sure. It’s for my buddy—”

“I thought I told you not to call my wife your buddy?” Richard glared at him.

“Kristin! Kristin! Happy now?” Luke asked.

“Yes, I am. So what should we do?” Richard asked, his face lighting up at the thought of surprising Kristin.



Adriana opened her door when she heard a knock and found Julio standing there.

“What do you want?” Adriana asked.

“Can we talk?” Julio asked.

Adriana sighed and nodded, stepping aside to let him enter.

“I’m sorry for doubting you when you said you didn’t intentionally push Kristin into the pool.”

“It’s fine, Dad,” Adriana replied, flashing a manipulative smile.

“So, you’re no longer mad at me?”

“No, Dad. I shouldn’t have reacted that way. I was just upset that you didn’t believe me. But let’s forget it and be more like father and daughter now,” Adriana said, maintaining her facade of innocence.

“Alright, Adriana. How about we go out tomorrow?”

“I’d love that! Let’s get cotton candy like we used to before I went missing.”

“Sure.” Julio smiled at her and turned to leave, but Adriana grabbed his hand.

“Need something?”

Adriana hesitated for a few seconds before asking, her eyes darting nervously.

“Did Richard say something to you?”

“No, he didn’t. Why?”

Relieved that Richard hadn’t told Julio about her naked stunt, Adriana shook her head. “It’s nothing. Good night, Dad.” She kissed his cheek.

Julio patted her before leaving the room.

In his own room, Julio sat on the bed, his mind drifting back to a sin from his past. He thought he’d forgotten it, but it still haunted him.

*I waited for you for almost twelve years, and now you’re leaving me for her,* the voice of a crying woman echoed in his mind.

*I’m sorry, but I’m marrying Ophelia. She’s carrying my child, and we’re getting married.*

*What about me? I waited twelve years for you, gave myself to you, and now you’re leaving me. What about me and my child?*

*I’m sorry, Paulina, but I can’t marry you. My family approves of Ophelia, not you. Maybe you should get rid of the baby and move on. Ophelia and I will have our own children.*


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