Protected: INTO THE DEPTHS OF LOVE : CHAPTER 151 – 160


Kathryn grinned and nodded. “This is you, Mommy, and this is me standing close to you. I’m standing close to you because I love you so much. And this is my younger brother, who’s still in Mommy’s tummy. He’s standing close to Mommy. He’ll be closer to her, and I’ll be closer to you.”

“Whoa, you’re a good artist, baby Kathy,” Richard said, praising her. Kathryn laughed.

“I also drew a picture of Uncle Luke, Aunt Romina, and Grandpa Julio. I don’t know Grandma Ophelia, Grandma Tabitha, or Adriana, so they’re not included in our family portrait.”

“You did a good job, baby Kathy. I don’t like them either,” Richard assured her, and Kathryn smiled.

“Where’s Mommy?” Kathryn asked, and just then, Kristin entered the room.

“Heartbeat, I can’t find your mother,” Kristin said in a panicked voice.

“What do you mean you can’t find her? I strictly told her not to leave her room,” Richard said, and all Kathryn could do was watch.

“She was in her room when we left the house to go to the court for Cecelia’s sentencing. But when I went to check if she was hungry, she wasn’t there,” Kristin explained.

Richard left Kathryn’s room to check Tabitha’s, with Kristin and Kathryn following him.

On arriving, just as Kristin had said, Tabitha wasn’t there.

“Where could she have gone, Heartbeat? She’s not in her right mind. What if something bad happened to her?” Kristin asked, concern evident in her voice.

Though she hated Tabitha for what she did to Richard, Kristin was a soft-hearted person who felt sympathy for others—even though she sometimes got violent, she had a gentle side.

“Kathryn, did you see Tabitha leave the house?” Richard asked.

Kathryn shook her head, her ponytails bouncing as she did. “I didn’t leave my room to check on her. Even when Uncle Luke came, we didn’t go to Grandma Tabitha’s room because you told me not to associate with her,” Kathryn said in her tiny voice.

“We should try looking for her. She might’ve stepped out and lost her way,” Kristin said, holding Richard’s arm.

“Why is she such a headache? Wasn’t it enough that she made my childhood a nightmare? Now she wants to cause me problems in adulthood?” Richard raged.

Kristin gently patted him, calming his anger. But just as Richard was about to go search for Tabitha, she walked back into the house.

Richard immediately confronted her before Kristin could stop him.

“Where have you been? Didn’t I tell you not to leave your room?” Richard yelled.

Tabitha pouted, faking confusion. “I only stepped out because it was suffocating staying in one room all day.”

“Now you know what it feels like to be locked up, right? Yours is even better. You have a bed, air conditioning, and meals every day! You locked me in a dark room filled with bugs and fed me rotten food!” Richard’s voice was filled with rage, his eyes misty, though he refused to let tears fall in front of her.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember any of that,” Tabitha sniffled. She stepped closer to him. “I’m sorry if I—”

Richard cut her off, pushing her hand away before she could touch him.

“Don’t you dare touch me! Try leaving your room again, and I swear, I’ll forget that you’re my mother and throw you out. I don’t want to see your face. Stay in your room!” Richard yelled before storming out of the house.

Tabitha pouted, faking sadness to gain Kristin’s sympathy, and it worked.

“You need to be patient with him. You might not remember, but what you did to him is hard to forget,” Kristin said gently.

Tabitha nodded, feigning an innocent smile. Her eyes darted to Kathryn, who gave her a strange look.


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