Realizing he almost gave himself away, he smiled. “It must have been hard raising Kathryn alone. I don’t want you to feel that way anymore,” Richard said.
It was true, but he was saddened by the fact that Kristin had taken on the responsibility of raising Kathryn alone while he was busy paving his way to becoming a billionaire.
“You should go back to bed. I’ll take our daughter to school.”
“Thanks, but despite having my classes online, I need to submit my assignments in person. This time, it’s not something I can do online.”
“I’ll help you submit whatever assignments you have. I’m Richard Hernandez, so they’ll give in to me. My beautiful wife should rest while I take our daughter to school. After that, I’ll come home and give you a nice massage,” Richard said, playfully touching her nose.
“Thanks, Heartbeat,” Kristin smiled.
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s my duty as your husband to look after you,” he said, kissing her briefly on the cheek.
Kristin grinned, her eyes drifting to Kathryn, who was silently eating.
“Maybe you should let her go to the zoo with her classmates. It’s a school fun day.”
“We can always go to the zoo with her.”
“I know your childhood wasn’t easy, but kids love outings with their classmates,” Kristin said, yawning again.
It didn’t feel like she had just woken up.
“You should go back to bed. What should I get you on my way back from taking Kathryn to school?”
“Pineapples and apples,” Kristin replied with a grin.
Richard chuckled and nodded. Kristin went back to bed while Richard sat at the dining table with Kathryn.
“Do you want to go to the zoo with your classmates?”
“Yes, I do. My teachers will be there watching over us. They want to show us the different kinds of animals in the world, and it would be fun to see them with my classmates. But it’s fine if Daddy Richard doesn’t want me to go,” Kathryn said sadly, her gray eyes locking onto Richard’s.
She might have her mother’s looks, but she had inherited her gray eyes from Richard. He should have known she was his daughter from the start, Richard thought as he watched Kathryn eat with a sad expression.
“Alright, Daddy will let you go to the zoo with your classmates,” he said, and Kathryn’s face brightened at once.
“Yay! Thank you so much, Daddy Richard!” Kathryn squealed excitedly and hugged him.
“Anything for you, Baby Kathy. You know Daddy loves you very much, right?”
“I do, and I love you too,” she grinned, and Richard caressed her cheeks.
He badly wanted to tell her that he was her biological father and that she didn’t need to search for him, but how to break the news to both his daughter and wife was something he couldn’t figure out.
Helping Kathryn with her lunchbox, he took her to school. Her friends, Corrine and Isabella, quickly rushed over, complimenting her hairband.
“Is Kathryn still going with us to the zoo?” her teacher asked.
“You’ll watch over the kids, right?” Richard asked, his eyes on Kathryn, who was talking and laughing with her friends.
She was an extroverted kid.
“Yes, I assure you, there will be close supervision. It’s a fun day for the kindergarteners, and it would be a shame if Kathryn couldn’t participate.”
“Alright. I’m leaving my daughter in your care. If anything happens to her, even a scratch, you’ll see your great-grandmother.”
The teacher gulped nervously at Richard’s words but still managed to smile.
“Your daughter will be in safe hands,” Vanessa, the teacher, assured him.
Richard said goodbye to Kathryn before leaving in his car.
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