By Succie Brown.
The roar of the FBI cars, along with those of Luke and Lewis, echoed loudly as they chased Tabitha, who was speeding recklessly.
They were on high alert, determined not to let Tabitha escape.
“Surrender yourself, Tabitha Lockwood!” one of the FBI team members shouted through a megaphone, but Tabitha scoffed and smirked.
“I’d rather die than go to jail! You won’t be able to catch me!” she screamed, pressing the accelerator to increase her car’s speed.
Despite his bleeding leg, Luke pushed down on the gas pedal, determined to help Richard put an end to Tabitha’s wickedness.
Tabitha, however, was not about to surrender to the FBI. She kept accelerating, caring little for the other vehicles and pedestrians on the road.
She sped into a tunnel, and that’s when her car developed a flat tire.
“Shit!” She got out of the car and began running on foot.
The FBI, along with Luke and Lewis, got out of their cars, ready to chase after her.
“Your leg is injured. We’ll handle this,” Lewis said to Luke, who was about to pursue Tabitha.
Luke nodded, grimacing from the pain in his leg, while Lewis and the FBI went after Tabitha. As they chased her, she kept shooting at them, but they dodged her bullets.
The FBI didn’t shoot back because Richard wanted her alive.
Tabitha ran until she found herself at a dead-end, surrounded by walls.
She turned to find the FBI aiming their guns at her.
“Hands above your head, Tabitha Lockwood,” Mark commanded, his gun fixed on her.
Tabitha looked at them and began laughing like the psychopath she was.
“I know what Richard wants. He wants to make me pay for every ounce of pain I caused him. But guess what? I won’t let him have his way, and I certainly won’t rot in some filthy jail!
I’d rather kill myself than let Richard’s son torture me. At least I got my revenge – Richard never got to experience a mother’s love, and Julio will never be with the woman he chose over me by his side.
Killing myself is better than rotting in jail or being tortured by Richard.” Tabitha continued laughing, then smirked.
Before the FBI or Lewis could react, Tabitha raised her gun to her head and pulled the trigger twice.
She fell to the ground, eyes wide open, and took her final breath.
Mark rushed to her, checking her pulse.
“Is she dead?” Lewis asked.
“No one survives a bullet to the head… she’s dead,” Mark confirmed, and Lewis let out a sigh of relief.
Richard stood beside Ophelia’s body lying on the slab, her skin already beginning to turn dark. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stared at her lifeless form.
Julio placed a hand on Richard’s shoulder, and Richard slowly turned to look at him.
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I’m so sorry, my son,” Julio said, heartbroken.
“Maybe I’m just fated never to know what having a mother feels like. Just when I found out who my real mother was, I had to lose her in the blink of an eye.
She hated me for twenty years, and just as she was ready to love me as her son, she slipped away and left me,” Richard’s voice broke with tears, and Julio, feeling responsible, silently blamed himself for their tragedy.
It was all his fault that things had turned out this way.
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