Kristin turned to look at him and smiled.

“There are lots of celebrities here! Some look better in real life, while others look better on Tv” She squealed.

“There are humans just like you, so what’s the excitement about?”

Kristin scoffed lightly; “Easy for you to say cuz you see them on daily basis”

“I already secured a safe place for in the grand hall, go in and you can watch these so called celebrities to your heart satisfaction”

“Really?” She smiled , but stopped. “What about you?”

“I will just be around. I hate the sight of women, and most of these celebrities are from the female gender. Just call me in case you need anything”

Kristin nodded.

“Go in now” Richard said, his eyes on her beautiful dolled up face.

Richard watched Kristin as she walked towards the grand hall.

Luke led Kristin to the special VIP spot Richard reserved for her, and they both sat down ready to watch the show.

“Will Mr. Grouchy be okay alone?” She asked.

“Of course he will. He’d stay in a dark cave than sit in a place filled with women”

“Why does he have so much hatred for women?”

“You should be the one asking him that Kristin” Luke beamed at her.

“Never, I don’t want to be yelled at”

“Then concentrate on the show. It’s about to begin” Luke playfully winked at her, and she smiled.

While the show was going on, the caterers were on duty serving the guests.

“Thank you” Kristin smiled when one of the caterers served her a planted meal.

The show was already going on, so most people weren’t eating yet.

Kristin attempted to take a bite from the lettuce in her planted meal, but she drops it swiftly and her eyes widened.

“What’s wrong?” Luke asked

“This isn’t Lettuce” She panicked.

Luke scanned at the lettuce on the plate and said;

“What are you saying? This is lettuce”

“I’m a farmer’s daughter, and I grew up in the farmland so I know what i’m saying Luke. This is taro leaf, it looks like vegetable, but it’s poisonous when it is eaten raw. These people might end up dying, and Mr. Grouchy will be blamed for it!” Kristin said in agitation.

She stood up from the chair, and thankfully no one was eating yet, not until she saw one of the guests trying to eat the taro leaf, thinking it’s lettuce.

“Don’t!” She screamed.

The distance between them wasn’t much, so it was easy for Kristin to go over to her, and throw the taro left away before it got to her mouth.

“What the heck did you just do?” The lady shouted. She is a big time celebrity.

All eyes went to Kristin, and they all recognized as Richard’s wife-one of Las Vegas’s billionaires.

Kristin quickly ran to the stage, taking the mic from the Emcee.

“Listen everyone, no one should take a bite from his or her meal. That’s not lettuce but raw taro leaf. You all might die from consuming it” Kristin announced to them.

The hall was in chaos as everyone began throwing out the taro leaf on their plates, murmuring to one another.


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