By Terri Savage


Lex walked out in tears and entered his car, driving out of the school.

He didn’t even waste a single second before hitting the road.

He got home and came down, he entered house and went straight to his room.

Immediately he stepped in his room, he started pushing everything on the table away.

He h!t his hand on the wall and it bI.eed immediately.

His tears flowed wetting his shirt.

He thought he will be over her but hearing Henry making the announcement, the feelings started coming back again.

He felt like a knlfe was $t.abbed continuously on his heart, the pains in his heart was much that he left when he couldn’t take it in.

“Ahhhh” He cried.

“Fk love, I am done with love, I rather remain single, love is not for me” He said bitterly and continued breaking things in his room.

His eyes are so reddish.

Carolina held the noise and his cries, she quickly got down from her bed and rushed out.

She went to his room and immediately she stepped in, her eyes widened when she saw him destroying things in his room.

“Lex” She shouted.

“What are you doing?” She asked again.

Lex turned to her with tears in his eyes.

“You’re crying?” Carolina said getting emotional already.

He slowly walked to him and pulled him into a hug.

“Mum!” Lex started crying slowly on her shoulder.

“Calm down, I’m here for you, tell me what happened?”.

“Love hurts, she rejected me and now she is dating my friend, I want to die mum” Lex sniffed.

“Hey, come darling, she isn’t the only girl in the world, you will find someone who will truly love you, stop crying.

I understand the pains you are passing through right now but please believe me, everything will be fine” Carolina said.

” I will let go of my feelings for her, no matter how hard it’s, I will try my best, I don’t want to turn desperate because of love”.

” That is my baby, don’t turn into a villain cos of what happened.

Be at peace with your friend, you can’t tell the heart whom to love.

It’s not your friend’s fault that she loves him instead” Carolina said and continued patting him.

” I’m going for a new change” Lex said as he stopped crying.

Carolina smiled but her smile fell when she remembered Donald, she can’t believe her heart still beat for him.

Love is ¢razy and stupid.


” When did you two started dating?” Blake asked.

” In New York” Summer replied.

” So my instincts were right, I suspected you two” Hailey said.

” I’m sorry for keeping it a secret, I wanted to surprise you guys” Henry said.

” I’m happy for you bestie” Hailey said and stucked her hands with Summer.

“And I’m still single” Blake pouted cutely.

Hailey didn’t know how it happened but her heart skipped a beat.

She smiled and looked away.

“You can get one”.

“Love is not for people like us” Blake shrugged.

“Talking like an id!ot” Hailey said and ht him on the head.

“Will you stop htting me?”.

“Then stop spilling rubbish”.

“Hilliary!” Summer shouted and everyone turned to them.

Dorathy broke the kss and everyone started glaring at them.

“What?, if you are jealous go get a girlfriend” Dorathy rolled eyes.

Summer and Hailey ht her hard.

“Ouch!! girls”.

“I can’t be oppress” Blake said and walked to a group of girls.

He started flirting with them.

Hailey shifted uncomfortable on her seat as she watched.

“What did I expect from a playboy” She scoffed annoyingly.

“What is even wrong with me, I was just like him but I can’t believe I stop fking around, it’s true change is constant” She muttered.

A girl rubbed her hands on Blake shirt leaned in to kss her but someone suddenly pvshed away and she fell on her bvtts.

“Stay away bch” Hailey said and grabbed Blake’s hand, she started dragging him away from them.

” What is that? don’t tell me Hailey is jealous” Summer asked while laughing.

“I won’t believe it too” Dorathy said, laughing too.



She left the party immediately Henry publicly announced Summer as his girlfriend.

The hatred she was having for her that moment made her to leave or else she would have done something worse to her.

Henry is the first guy she has ever loved genuinely but Summer took him away from her.

” If I can’t have him then you can’t have her Summer.

I will slowly destroy your relationship with him, you past life will hunt you down” She said poisonously.

Her phone suddenly beeped.

? Hello best friend, sorry for texting you late, I was just missing you, how are you?

A message from Saint.

Tiffany smiled after she read the message.

“He missed me?” She asked herself, still smiling.

She started typing on her phone to reply him back.


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