By Terri Savage


“Armor” She shouted again as Henry finally lost his consciousness.

“No!” She screamed and ht one of the guys.

She used that opportunity and bite the other one of the arm.

“Arrrgh” He shouted.

Summer escaped from their grip and rushed to Henry.

But the guys grabbed her again, pulling her back.

She began struggling again.

“Leave me you bstards, who sent you? I will deal with you bastards” She yelled, throwing her legs in the air as the guys started taking her away.

The others grabbed Henry up and started taking him away.

But suddenly someone appeared and blocked their way.

His face was not clear cos it was a bit darker from where he was standing.

“Who are you?”.

“You will not what to know me” Hilliary said and moved closer.

“Hilliary” Summer called.

“Yes wifey” He smiled.

“You guys did a very big mistake accepting the offer to do this to my twin bro” Hilliary said.

“I will advise you to leave now that we are still having pity on you or else you will regret it” One of them said.

Hilliary laughed sarcastically before becoming serious.

“The statement should be reversical guys” He said and started folding his shirt sleeve.

“Teach him a lesson” Their leader said.

“Hilliary run please” Summer said getting scared.

“Don’t worry wifey, I can handle these cats” He said.

“Lord your son is about to cause trouble, please forgive me but give me the strength to handle them” He prayed, jamming his palm together.

The first guy that came at him, tried smacking him with the stick he was holding but Hilliary jumped on him.

He marched his head and the fool screamed painfully as his head started bI.eeding.

Another came forward but Hilliary pvnched him directly in the eye.

“Mummy!!!! ” He shouted and hot tears started descending from his eyes.

Another sneaked behind him and raised the stick to his head but unknown to the f.ool he was dealing with, Hilliary bent over and the stick flew over his head and ended meeting with the head of the guy coming at Hilliary in the front.

He slumped on the ground and passed out.

Hilliary didn’t waste time before delivering a spear on him, something he learnt and mastered from watching wrestling.

He gave the guy ten pvnches consecutively and when he stopped his face was something to write home about.

He stood up from him and took the stick, he started htting them one after the other and by the time he was done dealing with them, they regretted ever coming into this world.

He grabbed one of the guy and took him to the rail and started pushing him down the bridge.

“Tell me who send you fools?” He asked.

“And you think I will tell you” He laughed.

“Okay then bye” He said and was about pushing him down.

” Please!, I will talk, don’t push me down the bridge, I don’t want to d!e” He shouted fearfully.

” Start talking”.

But before the guy will start talking, Summer screamed.

“He is loosing too much bI.ood, let’s get him out of here”.

Hilliary quickly lifted the guy and slammed his on the ground.

He ran to Henry and took him in his arms and he went away with Summer.



Hilliary got home with Henry and started climbing the stairs with him.

He entered the room and took him in, he placed him on the bed.

He went into the bathroom and returned with a bowl of water and a clean towel, he started wiping the bI.ood around his head.

Summer stared scaringly, her body kept shaking.

“Why didn’t you take him to a hospital?” She asked.

“Your boyfriend hate the smell of the hospital, beside I learnt basic health skills in London, I will get the kit” He said and ran out of the room.

“Babe, I’m sorry” She said, sitting on the bed.

Hilliary came back with the kit and started treating him.


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