By Tofunmi Nikky
It was Prince Luciano Myles…..
He stopped and covered his ears at the atmosphere,,he had wanted to enter all this while but their noise was just too much for him.
They didn’t stop after a few minutes of his waiting so he choosed to burst in
At least that did shut them up now……
“I will so much appreciate it if you all stop the noise….A situation whereby my eardrum will get affected in the run is what I don’t want.”he said, dropping his hands from his ears to address them
“Sorry prince,,,”they all chorused in sync but he wasn’t in for it, instead of replying, he just walked to his assigned seat, not a mere chair like the rest
Sabrina was greatful he’d just cleared her interrogation section, she ran to her seat with a gladdened heart
“Thank you prince…”she patted his back as she ran past him, heading the way to her seat
Luciano shook his head at her, but never failed to think of where on earth she got that nerves from
Anita and her friends went up to the stand and ordered their different choices of meal they would like to have for this afternoon.
Anita got her bacon and cheese, coupled with a soda drink and waved off her friends
“I’ll go join his table today girls, you guys should head to our usual table,,”Anita told them, seeing they were following her
“Oh, sorry Nita”Miranda said, and the rest of the girls moved back away from Anita
“You should go then, we shall take our table”Alexis also said, urging her to go before giving the girls a nod
Giving them that signal, they all turned around and walked back to their table in which they had passed earlier
It happened not only Anita was heading towards the prince’s table but also Sabrina who at the moment was searching for a table to seat
“Hello prince,,”Anita smiled, stoping at his table
At the time, Sabrina walked past their table but was looking the other side, that way not seeing him
“Hi Anita,,”Luciano replied her and saw Sabrina walking past
“Hey Sabrina,,,”Luciano called her, Sabrina heard his voice and turned his direction. Her face lights up at his sight.
“I can take a seat right?….seating with you guys would surely be fun”Anita asked Luciano’s crews
“Prince,,,”Sabrina bowed slightly on reaching their table
“Seat here, there a vacant chair.”Luciano told her and looked back, pointing behind him to see shifting the chair back in an attempt to settle on it
“There?…. thanks,,,”Sabrina sent him a short smile and not minding Anita’s hand was already on it, she snatched the chair from her
And sat down, leaning her body on the table and acting like nothing happened
“How could you….!!”Anita’s anger was set loose.
“,,,Sorry darling, he offered me a seat and not you”Sabrina looked at her and said with a wink which only pissed off Anita more and more
“Prince…?”Anita looked at Luciano, letting him see what she’s just done
But Luciano only gave an helpless sigh,,
“Luciano is so lucky having girls fight over him,”Cole whispered to Jason who only chuckled
“Okay prince, later then,,”Anita with a sly smile at Luciano, stomped out of the cafeteria
Her crews also her and shared a confused look
“Let’s finish up and follow her to find out what happened,”said
“Yeah,,she looks so angry”Miranda said
They agreed on after their meal and proceeded with their eating.
“Who are you?,”Jason asked, pointing his index finger at Sabrina
Luciano just eat up, keeping mute
“Am Sabrina…..how about you guys?”she replied and also asked them
“Cole,,,”Cole answered fast, touching his chest as an indication of himself
“And you…?”she looked at the other guy
“Jason,,”Jason replied, reluctant at first
“Wow,,you guys are so cute you know”she winked at them, opening her bottled water
“Same as you,,too beautiful.”Cole said, sending her back a wink.
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