Episode 27

Master Pedro looked at me through narrowed eyes.
“You can trust me.” I assured him and he smiled.

“Oh really?” He laughed. “The girl whose mouth gets her in trouble all the time wants to convince me she can keep a giant secret from her future husband?”

My heart fluttered a little at the mention of marrying Calvin.
“Pedro, I promise, I won’t tell.”

He sighed and leaned in again. “Fine, but this is big, Rachel.” He whispered. “I don’t know that it is something you should know about anyway.”

“Well if it has to do with why people want me dead then I think I deserve to know.” I pointed out.

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” He whispered urgently. “It’s not just about you…It’s much much bigger than that.” He looked down at his hands. “I worry that you knowing may cause you to be in more danger than you already are.”

I threw myself back on the bed and huffed. “For the love, Pedro, just tell me!” I begged.

Pedro groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. “Fine.” He relented. “I was talking to Fern’s friend, Rebecca, and I mentioned to her that Fern had told me about some whispers before she died, and I hinted to her that I wanted to know what they were.” He explained. “At first she seemed really skittish about it, like she didn’t think she should tell me, but I reminded her how good of friends Fern and I were and she finally gave in.” He paused to loosen his blue tie a little. “She told me that some of the other handmaidens, ones who work for the lower ranked officials and workers throughout the castle, had been gossiping about some big plans…ones that would change everything.

Apparently these plans could be messed up if you married Calvin.” He explained. “These people, they want…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “It’s ridiculous, there’s no way there is any truth to it.”

I sat up fast, smacking my hands on the bed. “Pedro!” I shouted. “You can’t just tell me that much and then not finish.” I told him. “What do they want to do? Who are they?”

He looked pale as he turned his face to me. “They’re traitors, Rachel.” He whispered so quietly I could hardly hear him. “A rebellion.”

I opened my mouth to insist he tell me more, but there was a swift knock on the door, and Maria walked in carrying a dress bag, and behind her the other two girls who usually help with my hair and makeup walked in behind her. “Good evening, ma’am. Prince Calvin told us we could find you here.” She said as they walked over to the vanity and started laying out their things. “We’ve got to start getting ready if you want to be on time.” She smiled.

I turned back to Pedro, who was already standing beside the bed. “I’ll find you later.” He promised. “I’ve got to go make sure everything in the ballroom is ready.”

I nodded to him. “What should I expect tonight?” I asked, feeling a little flutter of nerves in my belly. It’s been a while since I’ve had to be paraded in front of the people.

Pedro patted me on the shoulder. “Don’t be worried.” He said.

“Everyone will be there, you’ll each make a statement on why you’d like the prince to pick you, when that parts done, the people will make a vote, and then the prince will choose.” He noticed my worried expression when he mentioned the people voting. “Don’t worry, the people’s vote is just a formality, just a thing the king thought would be fun for the people, it won’t have anything to do with who Calvin chooses.” He sighed. “After the eliminated girl is announced, the auction will be immediately after.” He gave me a smile then excused himself from the room.

I let the girls get me ready in a daze. My mind was bouncing all over the place. What kind of rebellion could he be talking about? Vampires don’t rebel, do they? And against who? I had so many questions. Even more importantly, what did a rebellion have to do with me?

“Almost done, ma’am.” Maria said cheerfully, although I had hoped this would take longer. I still need to figure out what I’m going to say to the people.

This is the kind of situation that usually gets me into trouble, and I don’t want to make things harder on Calvin.

I stared at myself in the mirror and I could tell this was another gown picked by Master Pedro.

It was floor length black lace, skin tight of course, the shoulders were exposed, and it had elegant long sleeves.

It was sexy, but very regal at the same time, probably exactly what vampires like. My hair was curled around my face, and my eye makeup was dark and dramatic.

I was escorted to the ballroom with four guards, while I noticed the other girls either arrived alone, or with their tutors.

“Someone still thinks they’re pretty special.” Regina teased as I arrived with my entourage.

“Shut up, guys.” Greer came to my defense, but I knew she was only doing it to try and get on my good side.

We all stood together outside the grand doors waiting on Lexton to arrive.

When I heard the clicking of heels I turned around to see her coming with four guards of her own.

She looked so beautiful in her elegant white silk gown that made her dark tan glow, that I couldn’t help the tinge of jealousy I felt from seeing her.

Calvin had assured me that they are just friends, but all of us girls are here for the same reason-To make the prince fall for us. So far the only one who made me worry about my chances of winning was her.

“Ready girls?” One of the guards in front of the doors asked and we all nodded our heads.

I looked around our small group and I could see the real concern and panic etched onto each of their faces. The other girls may play it tough, but we are all scared, just the same.

The doors open wide and I see the enormous crowd, all dressed in fancy dresses and suits, as they turn to look at us.


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