Episode 28

Tessa takes the lead, walking down the grand staircase and down the red carpet to the large stage set up in the back of the room. We all follow her, hearing our names being cheered from all around.

The giant screens are all set up again and they are playing snippets from all of the dates, which I try to ignore watching as I take my seat on stage.

I glance to the left of the stage and see Master Pedro behind his podium, and Cal and the King sitting in their large chairs beside him. Calvin smiled coyly at me and my face heated up.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” Pedro cheered into his mic. “Let’s hear a big cheer for our 6 beautiful young ladies!” He coaxed and the crowd erupted with hoots and hollers. “Now show our beloved King Gordo, and Prince Calvin some love!”

Pedro chuckled into the mic as the crowd quieted down. “We’ve got much to do tonight, but first I want to inform you all on a little change to the programming.

There will be two, instead of one, girls eliminated from our competition tonight.”

He announced and I heard my own gasp echoed around the room by everyone else. “So, girls, now is your chance to let Prince Calvin know why he should keep you here for another month.”

He went down the line, the terrible three making longwinded speeches about how much they love Calvin and Castrum de Petra, and Frankie even made some crude comments towards him.

Greer’s plea was short, and her voice shook the entire time, making me feel for her.

I silently wished I had spoken to Calvin about her, even if she had been a terrible friend, I don’t want to watch her get sold.

Master Pedro stopped in front of Lexton and she took a deep breath before standing and taking the mic. “Hello,” She greeted the people. “I don’t have much to say, other than, Calvin,” She said looking over at him. “I’d love the chance to stay here and keep getting to know you better, you’re a truly special person, and if tonight is my last night, I’m so grateful for the time I had with you.” The crowd awed at her and clapped as she handed the mic over.

Now that it was my turn, I really had no clue what I should say. I had gone over it time and time again, but I wasn’t sure if I should say what I’d planned, especially after Lexton’s sweet speech.

I pushed down my fear and only looked over at Calvin, his eyes meeting with mine and giving me strength. “I don’t have a lot to say either.” I said. “Mostly because whenever I do speak, I seem to make a mess of things, so I’m going to keep this really simple.” I smiled bashfully, but the nerves in me were already subsiding. “I’m falling for you.” I admitted.

“It’s scary and wonderful at the same time, but it’s so true. I’ve never been as happy as I am when I’m around you, and so I hope you’ll keep me.”

Calvin looked truly touched by my words, then he shocked me and probably the whole world who was watching when he walked across the stage to pull me into a hug.

It was short, but it was just what I needed. He released me with a smile and waited for me to hand him the mic. “Thank you all, ladies.” He said into the mic, walking to the center of the stage.

“Everyone may put in their votes now, and then I will reveal mine.” He said happily.

I watched as everyone in the crowd pulled small devices out from under their chairs, clicked a few things on them, and then put them back down.

The screens in front of us showed a chart with all of our names, and bars beside them that filled up with votes, then sorted our names in the order of most votes to fewest.

In first place was still Tessa, followed by Lexton, and surprisingly, right behind her, was my name, then Regina, then Greer, and finally Frankie.

“Well, your highness, the votes are all in, now let’s find out who has your heart.” Master Pedro prompted Calvin.

Calvin walked down the line of girls, coming to Regina first. “I’m sorry, Regina, I just don’t see a future between us.” He said remorsefully.

He held out his hand to her, and he walked her to center stage, then walked back to the rest of us.

He glanced up and down the line, finally stopping at Frankie, and going to her.

“Frankie, please join Regina up front.” He told her gently.
My heart broke as I watched both Regina and Frankie begin to lose their composure, tears streaming down their faces.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is open.” Master Pedro announced and the crowd began shouting amounts and girls names faster than I could follow.

After only a couple of minutes, Pedro announced that Regina was going to some official whose name I couldn’t understand over the yelling, and then Frankie was being sent to someone who had bought her over the phone.

Regina seemed to relax a little when she found out she’d be staying in Castrum de Petra, but Frankie was going to someplace called La Tente.

I couldn’t help the bile that rose in my throat at the thoughts of what might happen to them.

I may hate them both, but that doesn’t mean I want something bad to happen to either of them.

Master Pedro announced that we could be excused and I went back to my old room to wait for Master Pedro to come finish telling me about the whispers.

While I waited, I laid back on the bed, staring up at the glittering chandelier and let a few tears fall for the girls I prayed would still be alive in a few hours.


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