By Painter

Episode 58

Calvin smiled down at me. “There aren’t usually people up here often anyway, unless there is an auction, but I had everyone cleared for us.” He explained. “Although I feel good that the threat to you is over, I still wasn’t about to come up here with you and let people just be walking around.”

I nodded. “I wouldn’t have minded though.” I said. “I mean, I’d like to get to know some people. I feel like the only vampires I even know are you, Pedro, and my handmaidens.”

Calvin chewed his lip. “That’s true.” He nodded. “I will see what we can do about that in the near future, but for now, are you ready to go now?”

I couldn’t help but smile at his excited expression. “Yeah.”
The woman looked at us both, making sure we really were ready to go and then she led us around to the back side of the town through a skinny alley.

When we reemerged on the other side I could already see the lit up area just down the road. “I’ve got it from here.” Calvin said, dismissing her politely.

Calvin turned to me then, his playful smile making him look like a young boy again. “Just for s second.” He said as he picked me up, cradling me in his arms. “Cover your eyes.”

I brought my hands to my face and I didn’t pull them away again until after Calvin stopped moving and the wind wasn’t whooshing by us anymore. I waited until he put my feet back on the ground, then I opened my eyes.

The road ahead of us was lined with twinkling lights and directly in front of me was a gorgeous white horse with a braided mane.

“Oh my god.” I whispered as I stared into its big beautiful brown eyes. “I’ve never seen a real horse this close before.”

Calvin walked over to it, tightening the saddle on its back then brushing his side. “Really?” He asked sounding a little surprised.

I tore my eyes from the horse to look over at Calvin. “Are you trying to whisk me away on your white horse, prince charming?” I joked, then folded my arms over my chest. “What makes you think I don’t want my own horse?” I asked. “I am an independent woman.”

Calvin held my face, then titled my chin to look over my shoulder to see the woman from earlier walking a second white horse out to us. “Did you forget how good of a planner I am, Rachel?” He smiled at me. “You should have known I am always prepared.”
“Of course you are.” I giggled.

He helped me mount my horse, and tried walking me through how to ride, but I was so high off of the ground and I was terrified of falling, so after a few minutes we both ended up on the same horse anyway. With him leading, it was fun. I could easily see myself loving horses now.

Calvin clearly knew what he was doing, like he and the horse were connected, and as we road down the winding stone road, I couldn’t help but actually feeling like the princess riding off into the sunset with the prince, except I’m already the queen, and Calvin and I would never share a sunset.

I sighed, pushing the thoughts of all of the things Calvin and I will never do aside, which was hard at first, but became easier as we came to a log cabin out in the middle of nowhere.

Calvin helped me down and tied the horse up over by the banister, then led me slowly up the stairs and onto the porch. The first thing I noticed was there were no windows. “What is this place?” I asked as we stopped at the front door.

Calvin grinned from ear to ear. “It’s our honeymoon.” He chuckled, then pushed open the door and I gasped.

It was a small cabin, but the inside was adorable. The layout was all open, the kitchen in one corner, a big log bed with checkered bedding on the other side, and then across the long wall there was a huge stone fireplace with a cozy fire already burning, and a big thick fur rug laid out in front of it with a plate of strawberries, and a bottle of champagne waiting on us. “This is perfect.” I whispered, turning to Calvin to wrap my arms up around his neck and kss him.

He backed us up, closing the door with his foot and took me over to the rug in front of the fireplace. He pulled his face away from mine and I whimpered at the loss. “I’ve got something for you.” He whispered, and I winked.
“Oh, I hope you do.”

Calvin brought his hand to his chest in faux shock. “Get your mind out of the gutter.” He laughed, then ran his hand through his hair before reaching into his back pocket and passing a little black box over to me.

“What is it?” I asked, looking down at it.

“You could try opening it to find out.” He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and popped the box open, revealing a silver pendent necklace with a tiny rose carved into the metal. “This is beautiful, Calvin.” I said as I stared at it in awe, then back up to him.

“You deserve every beautiful thing in the world.” He said, kneeling down to sit on the rug, and pulling me to down to straddle his lap, then he grabbed my face, kssing me hard.

“I’ve got the only beautiful thing I want.” I whispered as I pulled away and he raised his eyebrows to me. “You.” I explained and he bowed his eyes.

“You definitely deserve more than me, Rachel.” He said seriously and I grabbed his face back, making him look me in the eyes.

“I want you .” I told him. “No matter what you say.”

I gasped as he lifted me quickly, repositioning me beneath him and he fed me a strawberry, before grabbing one for himself, then pushing the plate away.

He looked deeply into my eyes as he removed the necklace box out of my hand and sat it aside too, bringing his hands back down to work the buttons on my shirt and I began doing the same. “I’ll never be able to get enough of you, Rachel.” He muttered before his mouth closed down on mine greedily.


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