Amber left her seat, walking towards Romeo.

“Can you spare me a few minutes of your time?” She ask.

“Sorry Amber but I have to finish this write top. Maths teacher will be here soon and I need to finish it before he arrives” Romeo said, writing somethings into a note.

“Okay Mr class Rep. I’m sure you would have made time for Juliet if she is the one” Amber said feeling bitter.

“And what’s that suppose to mean?” Romeo ask.

“It mean what is should! You are all lovey dovey with her forgetting that I exist” Amber snap at him, a voice for his ears alone.

“I thought we made things clear that day”

“We didn’t! My feelings are there no matter how you ignore it but nevertheless I will be waiting when Juliet dumps you, with the rival you have, I’m pretty sure she will be discarding you soon!” Amber threw at him.

“What rival?” Romeo ask, his face tense.

“You don’t know? Turns out Louis is interested in Juliet, he loves her and just yesterday he told me that he’s going to take her from you. That’s how much he loves her” Amber inform and just like she hope, Romeo ask for Louis whereabout.

“Probably at the library. I saw Juliet headed there earlier” Amber told him.

She watch with a smile as Romeo left his seat, in search of Louis.

Romeo was headed for the library when he saw Louis talking to some student.

“We need to talk” Romeo said, walking towards him.

“Hang on a sec, I need to finish telling this joke” Louis reply, turning back to the student he was talking to but Romeo pull him by the arm.

“Let go! What the hell is wrong with you?” Louis demand, pulling his hand out of Romeo’s hold.

“Do you have feelings for Juliet?”

“How did you know?”

“Just answer me, Louis. Are you In love with Juliet?” Romeo demand. His voice audible to the students walking by.

“I am. I’m in love with her” Louis admit.

“Did you intend to tell Amber that you intend to take Juliet from me?”

“Fk! I should have known Amber will be behind….”

“Don’t change the subject Louis? Answer me!” Romeo demand again and that pissed Louis off.

“Yeah, I said it. Juliet isn’t yours, you aren’t married to her and so, I intend to steal her from you”

“You piece of shit!” Romeo call, pulling him by his shirt.

“Are you going to hit me? Do it then! It’s definitely going to win me favour with Juliet” Louis said.

As much as Romeo will like to do it, he just can’t and it’s not because he is afraid but because of Juliet.

“You aren’t worth it and stay the hell away from Juliet, I mean it” Romeo said, letting Louis go.

Romeo words got Louis boiling with rage, he clench his fist, starring at Romeo who was walking off.

“Since you aren’t man enough to hit me, how about I hit you instead ” Louis said, running after Romeo to give him a kick.

Romeo fell on the floor and was quick to dodge another kick from Louis.

In one swift move, Romeo got up and gave Louis a punch, causing a bleed to his nose.

Louis wipe off the blood and let out a cynical smile.

“So this is how you want to play, I’m in for it” Louis said, moving towards Romeo.

On the other hand, Juliet and Clarissa were in the library when Amber showed up.

“This is all your fault! Louis and Romeo are out there fighting like crazy while you are here without any worry” Amber yell at her.

That got Juliet out of her seat, she got to the scene to see Romeo and Louis being separated by other students, blood oozing from their face.

Two teachers were there, ordering them to go to the principal office.

“Do you know why those two got into a fight?” Amber ask, standing beside her.

“Romeo found out that Louis likes you”

“Louis likes me?” A surprise Juliet ask.

“He does and don’t act like you don’t know. The main issue here is that thanks to you, two friends are trying to kill each other. Don’t you think it’s best you get out of their lives before something worse happen!” Amber yell at her.

“That isn’t for you to say, Amber” Clarissa speak up, defending her friend.

“I know but she needs to know that if she keeps on staying around them things will keep getting bad. Romeo and Louis have always been best friends but thanks to you it’s ruin.

Take my advice and stay away before you destroy the both of them” Amber said, pushing past her.



“Are you sure I can come in?” Judy ask as Romeo pull her into the house.

“You can. There’s nothing wrong in me bringing home my girlfriend” Romeo said and that made Judy smile.

“Finally, you are back” a crisp and authoritative voice said startling Romeo and Judy.

“Mom!” Romeo called as Sarah Stone got out of the sofa she was seated on.

Judy notice Romeo sitting on another sofa, his face filled with bruise.

“You didn’t tell us you were coming back” Romeo said.

“If I had then I would have miss seeing the mess my sons have turn into. The younger one go around fighting while the other has been off to gawd knows where frolicking with a nobody!” Sarah Stone burst out in anger.

Judy stood beside Graham, wondering why she feel that this lady will be a big problem……


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