I walked past the Alley…….I got to the gate and opened it…… it’s past seven and the day was dark already but thanks to the beaming lights i could see everything clearly

Including my wicked uncle who stood right in front of my room……. what does he want this time?

haven’t I been through enough?

” Your rent is due Jasmine…….must I remind every month what you ought to do?” He said…his nasal eyes piercing through mine as I stood rigid at the front…… looking at him as I felt all human emotions fleeing off me

” I know that…… you don’t have to remind me” I blurted out and he smiles

” But here I am reminding you that you need to pay up or else!…….” He suddenly yells and I flinched a little….. looking at him as his chest heaved heavily…..he might be really pissed right now but who cares?…..

I have needs to take care of too and for fks sakes this is my father’s mansion and I’m staying in the courtyard

“I understand and I will pay up once I have the money” I said….. maintaining my cool

He suddenly started walking towards me…… that’s one thing about me…… I’m not scared to move back…..I stood still…. awaiting his next move

” If you are finding it difficult to meet up with the cash….. you do know there’s other means to pay right” he said……his hand trailing on my shoulder and I got irritated instantly

That cold feeling slipping in as I shook it off

Slapping his hand off as he looks at me……my eyes were red with disgust… dare he!?

“I’m done doing that shit with you!…..I will pay you once I have the money” I said angrily as I shoved him aside…… climbing up the stairs as I got hold of the door nob… hands were shaking visibly

“I’m afraid you don’t have much time…… this is your final notice…. the next time I will come here then it’s byebye” his voice echoed through my ears as I heard his globbing footsteps retreating

I forcefully pulled the door open… I walked in……I didn’t know when a tear slipped down my eyes….flinging my purse as I sobbed uncontrollably

Everything came rushing back to me as I remembered my awful past

My weak limbs struggling to fight his grip over him but I couldn’t

I sighed softly as I cleaned my tears……. it’s enough…..I can’t keep crying

Raising my head as my family portrait caught my eyes……we looked so happy and full of life but everything changed when they decided to suddenly disappear

“Never……. never again” I mutters as I rested on the couch…..all my emotions were a mess


Jayson’s Penthouse

Jayson’s Pov

Turning to the left side of the bed as I felt the urge to open my eyes…… obviously the sleep as exhausted it’s limited time and I could no longer continue… matter how hard I try

My eyes flutter open and I stretched out… sprawling on the huge king sized bed as it soked me in on total comfort…..the cool atmosphere

The wavering life of a filthy rich man like me

Man?……..damn I’m just 28…. it’s kinda old referring to myself as a man

I sluggishly sat up and scratched a particular spot on my mid left arm that wouldn’t cease to itch me… feels kinda good though but it hurts slightly

Looking around and that’s when my eyes caught what made my beautiful morning smile vanished

“Don’t tell me that bîtch is still hanging around” I muttered…. standing up as my legs slilds into my golden flips……. it’s always on that spot and whenever my legs leave the bed… it lands right in it


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