Walking down shirtless as my hair was a complete mess…..the smell of something cooking hits my nostrils and I frowned

I opened the kitchen in haste and there she was cooking as she danced to the music playing from her phone

I couldn’t hide my irritation as I briskly walked up to her…. tapping her roughly

She spun around and a smirk displays on her face……

” Hey handsome!….. you are finally awake… thought you were going to sleep your life away” she said as she focused on what ever junk she was cooking

I rubbed my forehead as I felt my anger building up slowly

“What the fk are you doing?…….I don’t expect see you here in the morning” I said and she frowned

“What’s that supposed to mean?…… what do you take me for?…….a slût?” She said as she continues doing her thing

“I literally met you in a clubhouse and yes that’s what you are……I don’t even know your name” I said as I began to wonder what this bîtch was up to

“But I know everything about you….we can start from there” she said biting her lips and I huffed….. turning off the gas

” Get out!” I yelled and she flinched…. following me behind as I walked out of the kitchen

“Jayson….. what are you doing?….you just can’t ask me to leave….I thought we had something going on” she said and I stopped dead on my tracks……… this female has definitely lost it

I simply ignored her as I went upstairs…. picking her dirty clothes from my expensive floor and bundling some cash

I met her sitting down and without wasting much time I dumped everything on her .. flinging the cash at her

“What the actual fuck!”she shrikes as I grabbed her hands

“One night stand and no fking strings attached…..I don’t do commitments!!!” I said as I hollered her out

“You will definitely pay for this!”she yells as I slammed the door on her….. sighing softly as I walked towards the couch

Why are women like this?…… always trying to pin emotions on everything…. that’s so tiring… maybe going celibate would make things better but that’s definitely impossible….no way

“Young master” Noah my personal assistant said as I slowly looked up…..he smiles judging from the frown on my face he already knew what had happened

“I’m so pissed right now” I said and he chuckled

” I think it’s high time you stop with all these women….. don’t you think?” He said trying to sound as polite as possible

I frowned lightly but it out replaced with a smirk

“The joy of having women fighting just to spend the night with me?….you seriously want me to give that up?” I said and he pinched the bridge of his fingers…… looking back at me as I throwed the question at him

” I’m just saying…..that people like you would eventually find your match and that’s when you will feel exactly what all these women you are trashing away felt” he said and I couldn’t help but laugh at his notion

“Oh really…you really think that I will meet someone who would make me fall in love?…. that’s absurd” I said and he chuckles slightly

“You never can tell though…life has it’s funny ways of playing tricks on us” he said and I pinched the bridge of my nose……. looking at him frantically

“I don’t do commitments…love are for losers….and aimless people so let’s stop talking about it” I said and he opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself

” As the young master pleases” he said and I sighed…. standing up when my phone started ringing upstairs

Noah immediately went for it as I sat down… better not be who I think it is

I’m not in the mood for any family drama or discussion.


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