“There’s no way I’m being in support of this madness!….. I just can’t stand this madness!” Gina said angrily

“Then go back to grandma….. Besides she misses you alot” Mantinda said mockingly and Gina gasped

“Mom!!!!!!!….. You know grandma is dead!!!!” Gina bursted out as Mantinda laughs heartily

“Exactly my point….. If you can’t stand Jayson’s decision then you are free to hang yourself….. I really don’t care” Mantinda said as she walked away and Gina clenched her fists tightly

She honestly can’t wait to see who this mysterious girl is and they are definitely not going to get along



Mika walked into the kitchen and met Roland frying chicken…. It’s actually a despatch order and he’s trying to get it done quickly

She stood at the entrance as she watched him skillfully fliped the chicken while whistling to a tone she’s familiar with…… It’s actually her favorite song and here he is…. humming it perfectly

She subconsciously rested slightly on the door as watched him….. And as if he felt someone’s presence…. He looks at her and she quickly stood straight while pretending to be doing something else

“For how long have you been staring at me?” He asked and she scoffed instead

“You must really be sick in the head to think that I’ve been staring at you” she said tauntingly and he smriks as he rounded up and switched off the cooking gas

“Don’t you ever get tired of being rude?” He asked and she smriks

“It’s who I am” she said and he scoffed loudly

“And it doesn’t suit you either” he said and she gasped dramatically

“Go to hell!” She spat and he chuckled lightly

“Yo, it’s been a whole day and I haven’t heard from Jasmine…. Have you heard from her?” Roland asked and Mika suddenly looks worried

“I haven’t….. Her line has been switched off since yesterday…… I checked and I couldn’t find her at home” Mika said and Roland frowned

“That’s weird…… I hope she’s alright” he said and she nods weakly

“What are you two doing in here!?…… Lazing around while working!?” Avia’s shrill voice pierced through and Mika mentally rolls her eyes

“I’m almost done” Roland said and Avia glared at him

“Well hurry up!… are seriously joking with your job Roland!” Avia snapped and he hurriedly package the meal before walking out

“And you….. Why are you still standing here!?” Avia asked and Mika simply crossed her hands together

“Because I don’t have anything else to do…… Is that a problem?” Mika asked chessyly and Avia glared at her

“You don’t get to talk to me like that Mika” Avia said tauntingly and Mika scoffed

“And you think talking down on other’s is cool?……. Well it’s not so snap out of it!” Mika fires back and Avia titlts her head backwards in surprise

“Do you want to lose your job?” Avia asked threateningly while staring at her

“A job where my salary will be delayed for months?…….is that a job to you?…..oh please” Mika said as she made to leave but Avia grabbed her hands tightly

“I’m the manager so put some respect in your tone when talking to me” Avia said with grethed teeth and Mika yanked her hands away irritatedly

“I’d rather chew a broken glass than talk to you with respect…… You don’t deserve to be respected, bch” Mika said before walking out of the kitchen

Avia stood stunned as she watched the door closed with a loud bang

She clenched her fists tightly as she suddenly smriks

“You are going to regret ever talking back at me…… I will make you chew your words and cower at my feet….soon” Avia said as she also walked out


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