The car halted and I stepped out…… Was I expecting him to open the door for me?….. Stop dreaming Jasmine

The heavy rain pour has deduced to just showers and the whole place was quite dark…..must be close to 7pm already

I couldn’t help but get mesmerized by the beauty of this penthouse….. It’s deco is a masterpiece…..must have cost a fortune purchasing this

I snapped out of my thoughts as he led me in and I almost sigh…… My foot hurt and I felt like passing out due to the cold

The living room was empty as he started walking up the stairs…… He could have just told me to follow him…. Punk

I immediately followed him as we got to the third room….. there were six rooms facing each other…. three on the left while three on the right

“You can change in there” he said pointing to the third room on the right and I nod slightly

He simply walked away and I inhaled deeply….. Facing the room as I slowly opened it….. I gasped in shock as I walked in fully

Am I in paradise?…… This place is fùcking bungers….. Damn

I walked in and shut the door…. Making sure I bolted it…… I don’t want no invasion of privacy to my naked self…..

I walked to the huge dressing mirror as I placed my purse on the extremely beautiful table….. Everything about this place spells luxury

I once used to live in luxury but life happened

I dipped my hand in my hair and head for the bathroom immediately….. Striping off my wet clothes as I brushed myself completely….. I feel so dirty despite the fact I was literally drenched by the rain

I couldn’t get enough of the comfort….. It was soothing my spirit and I didn’t want to come out but like all things….. It must come to an end

I stepped out of the bathroom in a sparkling white towel….. It was super fluffy and soothing to my skin

My hair was tied up as well as I walked towards the closet…… Does he even have female wears?

I opened the closet and staggered backwards due to awe and shock

Inside were neatly arranged sweatshirts I’m different sizes and colors

I walked in and thank God there was a mirror…… Flipping into a blue sweatshirt and I frowned

It’s a bit light and my boobs were perking out….. It was very clear and obvious as it stood perfectly

I changed into a pink sweatshirt and it was baggy….. I don’t like baggy clothes…… It’s simply not my style

I changed into a red sweatshirt and my boobs were clearly visible…… It’s a woolen sweatshirt and it’s a bit transparent

“Why does he even have this much sweatshirts?” I mumbles I picked a gray sweatshirt and it looked okay

“Finally” I said exhaustedly as I walked out….. Not bothering to put on the sweatpants because it was big enough….. Ending right on my knees…. I stood in front of the mirror this time taking out my phone and it was soaked

“What the fúck!!!?” I semi yelled….. My phone is soaked as well?

Why is everything turning up side down in my life?

Sighing tiredly as a knock landed on the door and I traced my gaze towards it

Reluctantly dragging myself as I opened the door slightly and there he was…… The henchman

“Sir Jayson wants you downstairs now” he said and turned instantly

I instantly knew we were definitely not going to be friends because I’m not feeling his energy at all…… He’s giving me the cold shoulder for some reason and as expected….. I’m also down for whatever he wants

I looked at my phone before walking out the door…… Taking a few steps as I head down the stairs

I hope this is worth it


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