Jayson’s Pov

I watched her as she assended the stairs…… Her hair was obviously damp and for some reason she’s really looking good in the sweatshirt that landed right before her knees

Her eyes landed on mine and I shifted uncomfortably…… She’s looking quite inresistable

She looks rebellious and I know I would have to put on a lot of work to get her under control but I was willing to risk it….. She sat down and my eyes landed on the beautiful charm bracelet on her right hand

That bracelet?…… It can’t be

” So why am I here?” She asked breaking my chain of thousands thoughts as I finally looked at her face

“I want to hire you” I said and she furrows her eyebrows…… Crossing her legs as she sat up

“This place doesn’t look like an office…… So what are you saying?” She asked and I ruffled my hair

“Whoever said it’s an office work?” I said and she opened her mouth to say something but closed it after a few seconds

“Dude….. What exactly am I doing here then?” She asked slightly pissed and her red lips fuised together in irritation and that got me….. But that’s not important right now

“This is what I need you for” I said…… Tossing a paper towards her and she stretches a little bit….. Giving me a side eye look as she takes the paper

I rested fully on the couch with a smirk as she looks at me before reading

“Hell no!!!” She suddenly bursted as she flings the paper while standing up roughly

I actually expected that though

“There’s no way I’m going to pose as you finacee that’s never going to happen” she said as she folded her hands together as I smiled……. Looking at the helpless paper on the floor

I heard a little chuckle from Noah and I glared at him before facing the raging damsel in front of me

“Buttercup I’m not forcing you….. neither am I begging you……. This is a mutual deal that we’ll both benefit from immensely…… Of course if you aren’t tired of being poor” i said and she looks at me

“You are rude!!!!!” She bursted out again and I rubbed my forehead

“And you are being annoying…… It’s just a simple task what’s so hard in it?……. Besides I’m ready to change your life for good…… It’s more of a win-win for you!” I snapped and she gulped down as she slowly sat down

“Then stop making it seem as if I’m your pet or anything” she mumbles and I couldn’t believe this girl in front of me

“I never said you were my pet” I said and she rolled her eyes

“So what’s going to be my part of the bargain?” She asked and I smriked……. Tossing another paper at her

She looks at me instinctively before taking the paper and reading through

Her jaw dropped instantly as she stares at me

“All these….. For me?” She asked in awe

She can be really cute sometimes…… That’s if she’s not being a fire breathing dragon

“And more……if you are ready to play along and keep your mouth shut” I said and she drops the paper

“Fine……. Since it’s just for a day I don’t see what could possibly go wrong” she said and I smiled

Funny how she bursted out angrily a few minutes ago

“Good….. Tomorrow is the D day…… And I’m sure you know what to do” I said and she stood up…… Her sweatshirt raising a little bit as she placed her hands on her tiny waist

“Fine I got it” she said and I simply left

I didn’t want to waste much time besides she’s a grown ass girl….. She definitely needs to understand the business

I got to my room and flopped on my bed……. She will only be here for a day and after tomorrow she’ll be out of my life parmanently

The amount I’m offering her should be enough to get her through the month……. It’s a huge amount and she seems satisfied with it…… Who cares?

“Just breathe and relax……. It’s just tomorrow and everything will be over….. You will get to handle the business again and she will be gone for good” I said to myself as I tried to calm my nervousness

I didn’t even show her where she would spend the night but is that really necessary?


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