Jayson’s Pov

I walked to the balcony with a huge smile on my face……I just witnessed Jasmine in action and man, is she good?

She answered the questions perfectly and that got me wondering

How did she know the kind of food I like?

My favorite color or flower?

Okay I get she must have seen my tattoo but that doesn’t necessarily mean my favorite flower could be rose?…..who is she exactly?

“Well, well, well…… I’m impressed with your little friend, did you see the way she handled everything perfectly?…… it’s like you guys have known each other for years” Noah said and I rubbed my forehead

“I’m surprised, I never told her anything about me….. dude, do you think that she might be the Jasmine I thought I’ve lost years ago?” I asked and Noah sighed

“She doesn’t look anything like the Jasmine we know, our Jasmine was chubby and ugly….. round faced and she eats like a pig” Noah said and I hit him slightly hard as I glared daggers at him

“Don’t talk about the dead like that” I said and he raised his hand in defeat stepping back a little

“But dude, if she really is the Jasmine we know?…..then she’s certainly changed alot…… look at her!….. extremely pretty and s£xy…… nothing like what we imagined” he said and I sighed

“If it were to be another girl, then she would have definitely been on my bed before now but I just can’t think of doing anything to her and that brothers me alot” I said and he nods in agreement

“Yeah, that’s true, you haven’t made any passes at her….. and thinking about it now makes me cringe” he said as he shivers dramatically and I glared at him playfully

“But if she were truly Jasmine, how comes she doesn’t know anything about you?……she obviously sees you as a total stranger” he said and I stroked my chin thoughtfully

He’s right on this one

“Maybe I’m just over thinking this…… There’s no way anyone can rise up from the dead, Jasmine is gone for good” I sad with a sober face and Noah taps my shoulder

“But look on the bright side, this Jasmine totally aced her mission, she killed it and now your mom won’t suspect a thing and even though she later finds out?… would have taken over everything by then” he said and I smiled

“Yeah, she’s a keeper” I said and something fell on the floor from the outrance

I furrows my eyes as I walked towards it and poked my head but I didn’t see anything

“There’s no one there” Noah said and I shrugged my shoulders as I walked out fully…..he followed me immediately


I met my mom and Jasmine outside already as they held each other’s hand, damn, they’ve really boned than I expected

“Mom” I called and she smiles brightly

“I have been so proud of you, you found the perfect girl to settle down with!” She said excitedly and Jasmine smiled as well, she’s really good at faking

“Well, my father didn’t settle for less, why would I?, I’m my father’s son after all” I said and she gave me a side hug

“You are so right!, I’m so proud of you and I can’t wait for you both to build a family of your own” she said and I smiled

Jasmine walked to my side as she takes my hands

“Shouldn’t we be on our way now, babe?” She said with grethed teeth and I felt her grip tightened on my middle arm at the mention of “babe”, she’s definitely angry at me for leaving her all alone

“Yeah, we should be on our way now mom” I said and she smiles

“Ofcourse, I had a really nice time with my soon to be daughter in-law” she said and I smiled

“It’s nice meeting you mother” Jasmine said as we all shared a hug before walking into the car

We got in and waved till we were out and I sighed

“You púnk!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jasmine suddenly yells as she hits my chest, she was heaving heavily as she glared daggers at me

I shifted backwards a little as I rubbed my chest…….a chuckle could be heard from Noah and I know he’s trying really hard not to laugh

“Why did you hit me!?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

“You left me all alone with your mom!, And you know I have no idea on what questions she was going to ask!” She bursted out angrily and I scoffed

“Exactly why I left…….we didn’t practice before coming and I completely forgot, so instead of flopping I decided it will be best if you are alone with her, so she wouldn’t suspect a thing!” I snapped and her gaze softens almost immediately as she sat back slowly.


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