Jayson’s Pov

I walked into the mansion as I took angry strides towards the living room

” Son, you are here” my mother said and it took everything in me not to yell at her

“Mom, what are you doing?, you can’t just fix a wedding without my permission” I said and she sighs

“Well?, Are you blaming me for what you did?, you brought me a girl and she said she can’t wait for you both to get married…..

I had to make her wish come true” she said and I opened my mouth as words seems to be far away

“That doesn’t mean you should actually do it, I’m not ready to get married” I snapped and her smile vanished

“Listen to me young man, I’ve had enough this nonsense!……. it’s either you get married to her or say byebye to everything!” She snapped and I rubbed my forehead

“Can you just give me sometime?, I’m not ready” I said and she scoffed

“You should have thought about it before bringing her to me…… and your wedding is tomorrow so get ready” she said and I gasped in shock

Why is everything going so fast?

“No, no mom…… you must be joking right?” I said and she smiles

“Is there a funny mask on my face?, I’m only doing what any mother would do for their child……

I just want to see you married and finally learn how to be responsible!” She said and I couldn’t help but fall on the couch

“But mother…….”

“No buts…….I have already planned everything and that’s it…… shouldn’t you be happy?, She’s your finacee right?…….or is there something you are hiding?” She asked and I quickly shook my head

“I’m not hiding anything” I said and she smiles

“Very good…… I’m the happiest mother in the whole world….. tomorrow is a big day and you should be celebrating…… invite all your friends….. it’s going to be massive!” She said as she started walking away

I rubbed my forehead tiredly……my stupid plan has backfired and now I’m trapped completely

“You just have to do it…… you don’t have a choice” Noah said behind me and I groaned

“I hate it when you say I don’t have a choice……. because I do but I just can’t use it……. I’m divorcing her after a week of this stupid marriage!” I said angrily and Noah walked away

I can’t be forced into this and once I claim everything that belongs to me?, Then I will kick her out

That’s exactly what I’m going to do……no one can pin a woman on me


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