Avia walked out as she brings out her car key…… that’s right, she’s a car owner and the highest paid manager

She made to enter the car when someone tapped her from behind….. turning slowly as she furrows her eyebrows….. immediately recognizing the face

“Riley?” She called out as she shut her car and faced her

“Avia……I see you now drive…. that’s amazing” she said and Avia rolled her eyes

“What do you want from me?” Avia asked and Riley smriks

“You haven’t changed a bit…….but it’s okay……I just need your help” she said and Avia smriks

“My help?” Avia asked

“Can we just go somewhere quiet and have a good talk?” Riley said and Avia stared at her for a while before opening the car……she gestures for her to enter and Riley giggled

They left immediately


Jasmine’s Pov

I walked out of the kitchen and Mika was done flipping the sign and we are officially closed for the day…… it’s Saturday so there will be a free day tomorrow

I just wanna start looking for a new apartment immediately

“We should start the apartment hunting tomorrow, I’m so tired and I can’t move my feet properly” Mika said and I nod

“Me too……I just wanna lay in bed all night…… I’m exhausted” I said as I rubbed my neck

“You girls are going on a hunt without me?, I thought we were friends?” Roland said and I smiled

“Nobody invited your face into our conversation, can’t you just leave?” Mika said and Roland ignored and and that made her frown

“Sure thing Roland, we will be leaving by 9 in the morning, you can come with us” I said and Mika scoffed loudly

“He’s a loud mouth and he will definitely chase all the angents away” Mika said and I facepalmed myself

Must these two always argue?…….. can’t they just get along even for once?

“I don’t want to waste my precious time arguing with you……. because that will be a total waste and I’ve got important things to do…..bye” Roland said brashly and Mika’s jaw dropped

“How dare you!?” Mika made to go after him but I held her tightly

“Will you quit being dramatic?, He’s not your boyfriend so why are you always on his neck?” I said and she looks at me before pulling away from my grip

“I don’t feel anything for him and you know it” she said with a glare and I eyed her teasingly

“But I’m starting to feel like you have some tiny little feelings and that’s why you are always hard on him” I said and she scoffed

“That’s impossible, I can’t even stand his ugly face…..I don’t like him and I will never like him…… period!” She snapped and I smriked

“Then tell us why you always bully him at the slightest opportunity? Huh?” Jasper’s voice came from behind and we turned

“Nobody asked you………and since when did you start talking to us?” She asked with a frown and he simply smiled……. waving at me before he left and I subconsciously found myself waving back with a smile on my face

“Isn’t he so dreamy?” I said and Mika scoffed loudly.


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