I was so angry it feels as if I’m going to pass out…….I exhaled deeply as I took six steps but I found myself dead on my tracks as the next words left her mouth

“I will triple whatever it is Jayson offered you….a good job…… Mansions….cars and most importantly a well paid laywer to fight for what rightfully belongs to you” she said and I spuned around subconsciously as my jaw dropped

I stared at her in complete shock as she walked up to me again

“Are you serious?” I asked and she nods lightly……I fisted my hands as I could only imagine the new life that awaits me

“Just quit your job and sign the contract and if you sucessfully accomplish the mission….. everything I said will be yours…….deal?” She commanded and I blinked repeatedly

I don’t know if I should be doing this?……. what if something goes wrong along the line and I’m unable to meet up my end of the contract

A contract to….oh my God!….. when Jayson asked me to do this it was easy and now it’s time to put the test on him…..he started it right?….. and now his mother is taking it to another level

I gulped as I remembered my mother’s word

“Stay away from them…… promise me you’ll stay away from them Jasmine?”

My mother’s words echoed in my ears as if I was being told that very moment

I looked over at her and she smiles brightly…… waiting for my response as I saw this as an opportunity to change my life forever

“Deal” I said and her eyes lit up as she pulled me towards the couch……

I sat down and she sat besides me as she snapped her hands…… this time around two neatly arranged papers were set before us and I read through

My eyes tingled as I read all the rules…… this should be only between herself and I……no one else can know about this

I watched her sign her’s as she hands over the pen to me and I took it…… hands were vibrating as I swallowed hard

Do I really have to do this?

But Jasmine this is a life changing opportunity and I don’t even need to start looking for an apartment anymore and most importantly…….a good laywer would help me recover everything that belongs to my family

For my family’s sake, I must do this…..

I slowly signed and she smiles brightly….. looking at me as I felt mixed emotions running through me

“Get some good sleep…… you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow” she said and I mentally prepared myself for the assumptious wedding


Jayson’s Pov

Stepping out of the bathroom after spending hours on there just to relax my mind…….

I was lightheaded as I couldn’t believe that everything I carefully crafted has come crashing down on me

Why would my mom even do that?……she knows just how much I hate the thought of being close to a woman except of course she’s ready to get laid without emotional attachments

Love?…… commitments?……trust?

I’m not ready for any of that

After losing the one dreariest to my heart……I grew up to realize that love only causes pain

I lost my Dad and watched my mom cried and wallowed for years…… she’s still healing and I honestly don’t want to get involved in anything friglie.


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