My phone chimed and it was a text from someone I don’t even know……I didn’t bother to read it because I know it’s going to ruin my mood entirely……..I changed into my pajamas as I layed down

“I’m getting married tomorrow?” I said resoundingly and I felt something piercing through my stomach….. that feeling is pure irritation

I can’t see myself with Jasmine…..we might end up killing each other before the day ends… do I spend the rest of my life with someone I don’t even care about

Someone I picked from the streets to come fool my mom?……an ordinary waitress?…… she’s not my class and she doesn’t even match up to my standards

*But she’s good looking though* my inner mind teased and I literally slapped myself…… trying to get my head under control

I definitely have to get rid of her

I can’t stand her and she also can’t stand me as well………I looked at the opened closet and the neat tuxedo for my supposed wedding was hanging there

It’s going to be a small yet massive wedding and I can’t wait to make life unbearable for Jasmine until she runs away

I smriked at my idea as I finally shut my eyes to get some good sleep


Mika stood stranded outside as she couldn’t get in….the keys to her apartment were with Jasmine and now she’s stuck outside

“Did you happen to find the spare keys?” She asked the cleaner politely

“No Mika, you’ll have to sleep somewhere else, I’m sure by tomorrow you will get your spare keys….. it’s already late” the cleaner said and Mika bites her lips

She’s stranded for real and there’s only one person she could go to for help

“Hell no!, There’s no way I’m calling him for help” she said loudly

“And who is that if I may ask?” Roland’s voice said from behind her and she startled….. jerking slightly as she slowly faced him

“You scared me!” She said and he chuckled

“Why are you still outside?…..did they lock you out?” He asked

“No…… some rascals took Jasmine away and she’s with my keys…..I don’t have any idea on when she’s coming back” she said and Roland tilts his head

“Should we be worried?…… let’s report to the cops” he said and she thumped his forehead and he staggered backwards

“It’s not like she’s in any serious danger……. she’s fine” Mika said and he furrows his eyebrows

“Are you sure?” He asked and she pulled him close but in a safe distance as she told him everything that Jasmine did……

“Oh my goodness!……I can’t believe this” he said and she rolled her eyes

“Well, I guess I would be sleeping outside then” she said and he smiles

“You can crash at my place, you know?…..I have a guest room before you ask” he said and she furrows her eyebrows while facing him

“You want to help me?” She asked and he taps her shoulders

“You are my friend and I should always be able to help you even though you plan to kill me at every chance you get” he said with a smile and she slaps his hand off……her frown softening a little.


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