“Well, I’m Jayson’s wife…..we are married and look at my finger” I said….. stretching my hands towards her face….. almost shoving it in her eyes ” I’m the one with the ring and wedded vows….so get lost!” I fired and she suddenly furrowed her eyes

She started walking towards me……. looking at me directly as if she wants to penetrate my soul

I backed up a little as I created a safe distance between us

“Do I know you before?” She suddenly asked and I raised an eyebrow

“You don’t know me….. and you also shouldn’t be here so leave” I said and she clicked her tongue

“Jasmine?, wait….. you are not dead?” she suddenly asked in shock and my eyes widened

Who’s the freak show?, was I supposed to be dead?

“Are you nuts?….. I’m not dead and I definitely not the Jasmine you are referring to…..there are like a billion Jasmine’s out there so go look for the one who’s supposed to be dead!!!” I snapped as I grabbed her hands and hollered her out of the door

“I want to see Jayson!” She snapped as she struggled with me but I was stronger….. obviously

“Jayson isn’t home…..did you escape from the mental asylum!?……get out!” I fired and she stopped struggling

“You don’t have the right to chase me out!” She snapped and I pushed her out as she staggered…… almost falling down on the porch

“You haven’t changed a bit!….. still as stupid as ever, God!, I hate you!” She yells angrily and I shut the door

I held my chest tighly as I breathe out heavily

What’s she talking about?

Do I know her?, does she know me?

“I haven’t changed a bit?” I muttered silently as I sat down….. trying to fathom what she said

From the way she sounds, it looks like she knows me…. more than I know myself

That’s not possible right?

“Just breathe Jasmine, she’s just spewing nonsense” I said in a hush voice….. resting my head on the couch

“Jasmine?……wait, you are not dead?” Her stupid statement rings in my head and I groaned loudly….. using the cushion to cover my face

I slowly sat up as an intriguing thought crossed my mind

Why don’t I remember anything from when I was below six years?…….the only I remember was waking up in the hospital and seeing my parents lying almost lifeless besides me

I wouldn’t have even remembered my name if my mom hadn’t called me weakly before she died

I sighed as I sinked both fingers in my thick brown locks

I suddenly felt a sharp pain and I held my head

“My pills……damn” I muttered as I rested on the couch fully

This pain usually comes each time I over think or try to remember something from the past

“I need to talk to her, she obviously knows something about me that I don’t” I said thoughtfully

“Or maybe she’s mistaken me from someone else” I said again

Why do I even care?, She just barged in here and started claiming Jayson…… she’s obviously mad, no doubt


Night Time

Mika flipped the sign and they were officially closed for the day

She smiles as she walked towards the counter to grab her bag when Roland snatched it

She looks at him dauntingly as she made to take it from him but he wouldn’t let her

“Give me my bag” she said calmly….. trying not to yell

“Will you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me all day?” he asked with a smirk and she gulped down

She can’t possibly tell him it’s because of that witch…… way

“I don’t know what you are talking about” she mumbles and he hummed….. standing up as he also took his phone and walked up to her

“You suddenly didn’t want to talk to me throughout today and now you are denying it?” He asked with a raised eyebrow and she snatched her bag away from him

glaring at him before walking towards the door

“Won’t you wait for me?, I want us to go home together” he said as he tries to catch up with her and she sharply turned around…. causing them to bump into each other because he was already close to her

Her lips hit his chin hard and she whined in pain…… touching her bottom lip as he turned red instantly

“I’m sorry” he said and she rolled her eyes

“Why are you bothering me?, I thought we were just colleagues?” She finally said and he almost chuckled at her outburst

“Seriously?, You are angry because of that?” he said and she glared at him…. ignoring his question

“The only reason I said that was because if I had called you my friend, you would have definitely said we weren’t friends……you are always used to being mean to me and I figured I should respect that” he said and she slowly looks at him

Was she really that mean to him?

“But still……. you should have” she stutters with a loud groan escaping her mouth “fck you for being right on this one” she said defeatdly as she covers her face……he simply smiled as he took her hand

“Come on let’s go home…….I can’t believe you are mad at something you would have done, if I had said you were my friend you would have been like……….”yeah, he’s not really my friend” and then walked away” he said mimicking her and she hits him playfully

“I don’t talk like that” she said and he laughs

“Yeah, you do” he teased and they started laughing


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