I intentionally didn’t talk to Jasmine about this wedding….. hoping she won’t come so everything would be cancelled but as always…..

Mom invited her over to her house and any moment from now she will be here

I sighed deeply…..all I feel now is pure anger….. this wedding?….. this wedding would be Jasmine’s greatest nightmare….. I’m definitely not going to show her any pity

Waltzing into my life with hot coffee and now she’s going to be my bride and I will have to share the same space with her?…….hell no!

And I’m pretty sure my mom has other plans for us to stay together…..

I noticed my apartment spare keys were gone and most of my personal stuffs were gone as well…… what is this woman planning?

A small chime echoed through the room and all heads turned…. including mine and for about a second I almost took back everything I said I was going to do to her…… There’s no way can anyone be this enchanting in a wedding dress


Jasmine’s Pov

I may be without parents….. brothers or sisters but for one day I never felt there absence as Mika stood besides me……her assuring smiles made me less tensed as the chime echoed for the second time and the door opened on it’s own…….

Revealing me and all the cameras were pointed to my face as different clicks could be heard

Gasped filled the air as I took three steps into the hall……. walking with elegance even though I felt like passing out right there…..the crowd was too stunned to clap as I clutched onto the flowers…. waking down the rose patterned Isle……my eyes immediately held up with Jayson’s as he stared at me

I didn’t know what was running through his mind as I finally got to the stage…… standing in front of him as I looked up…..he didn’t look away for a minute and that made me nerve-wracking…..

I didn’t know what’s going through his mind and I’m sure he has a lot of questions to ask

The hall went silent as the vows took place immediately……it took me ages to complete my vows as I felt guilt running through me

He said his vows with ease…..but the reluctance could be hinted as we dropped the phamplets at once

He took my hand and inserted the ring were burning his gaze at me…….I couldn’t help but feel somewhat as I took his hand and inserted the ring as well

Soft claps filled the air as the priest cleared his throat

“Jayson Bartel, Jasmine Bartle……you may now kiss the Bride” the words left the priest’s mouth and I gulped down emptiness

The whole crowd was silent as everyone waited in anticipation

This isn’t my first kiss….. definitely but for some reason I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable as he stared at my face…..his eyes slowly lands on my lips and I saw anger flash through his eyes

He doesn’t want this wedding…… it’s clare and obvious that his mom forced him into this

The priest repeated the statement and faint murmuring began…….

His hands slowly held my chin as he pulled me closer…… placing his lips on my with a light brush…….he didn’t even kiss me properly….. damnit!

*What’s going on?

*He doesn’t love her?

*That’s not a kiss

The crowd started chattering and Mrs Mantinda stood up

“Kiss the Bride…… kiss the bride……kiss the bride!” She started chanting and soon everyone followed suit……I stared at Mika and she was also chanting and I faced Jayson……his hand was still on my chin

He smriks a little as he suddenly pulled me closer…… slamming his lips on my in a deep kiss that left me breathless instantly…….

My eyes widened in shock as he dipped deeper….. englofing me in his arms as my hands found it’s way over his shoulder…..

Shutting my eyes as I grasped onto him like he’s running away, his hands trails over to my waist…..pulling me closer as we tilted our heads and our lips sync in perfect harmony

The crowd bursted into a huge excitement as Mrs Mantinda stood on the chair….. waving her hands as she held her chest dramatically

“That’s my son right there……. I’m so proud of him!!!” She yells and the crowd got bizzer…..a tear slipped from her eyes as she watched us

The kiss was still going on as flashes of camera filled the room….. capturing the moment and he broke the kiss with a smirk and faced the chanting crowd.

I smiled a little as well as I backed the crowd and threw my flower…… Mika subconsciously caught it and another round of applause filled the air

“You are going to get married soon” a girl said and Mika’s cheek heated up instantly as she felt Roland’s eyes on her…..

She immediately looked away as she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug…… soon Mrs Mantinda came and everyone flowed with the celebration


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