His brown orbs darkened as we stared at each other, I can’t hide it anymore, I’m definitely attracted to this man more than I thought

“Then claim me, Jay make me yours….” I trailed and the I didn’t know what happened next but my back suddenly colided with the metal door and I gasped in pain……my gasp got shortened as I felt his strong arms over my body, shutting down all my thinking sense as he slammed his lips on mine

His weight slightly on mine as our lips fought for dominance….. and of course he won

He trails wet kisses on my neck as I ducked backwards…. giving him free access to the longing feeling within me….. reconnecting our lips as he bit down on my bottom lip….. diving his tongue into my mouth as things got heated

I grabbed his shoulders as I pulled him closer to myself, hugging him as our bodies became one, trying to get as much of each other in a little amount of time as I felt myself slipping over the edge with the way his lips worked on mine, it’s a crazy feeling as I moaned into his mouth in escasy and his hands trails over to my exposed thigh….. caressing it softly


Jayson”s Pov

Have you ever wondered why I kissed Jasmine in the first place about a week ago?

Have you wondered why I also want to explore every single inch of her, devoring her completely while she she shuddered at my every touch…. watching her stifle her sounds while I did my magic on her?

I’ve always seen kissing as a pointless activity and that’s why most of the girls I’ve been with, never knows what my lips taste like and I don’t bother to kiss them because it irritates the shît outta me

My first kiss was with Jasmine, her soft lips covered in an emerald pink sweetness that I can’t seem to get enough of, and that’s why I had the urge to kiss her that very day

Thinking about it now as she’s pinned down on my grip, her eyes barely opened as soft moans exoded from her cute lips makes me realize how dumb I’ve been not to notice my shining star in front of me all this while

But right now, she’s been a very bad girl that needs to be taught a lesson, a pure, love making torturing lesson

I grabbed her right thigh, caressing it gently as I have noticed it to become my favorite part of touching, it’s soft and plumb…. just like her lips…she of course had her hands over my shoulders and in the next minute, her legs were wrapped up over my torso as her back was still on the metal door, breaths for breaths as I felt like swallowing her whole, the atmosphere suddenly became hot as her hands dropped instantly on the hem of my shirt, trying to undo the buttons

Eager eeh?

I grabbed her hands and she pulled away… looking at me from each corners as confusion flushed down her face, her lips were red and sore for the kissing and that sent a rush of adrenaline down to my lower region

If it were other girls?, I wouldn’t mind tearing off their clothes while I fúck them senseless without them having the pleasure of what it feels like to be properly taken care of, but this ain’t other girls…. this is my Jasmine

I want to watch her wriggle, swrim and scream while I take her, I want to watch every fùcking reactions she makes while I torture her with unraveling pleasure

“Why did you stop me?” She asked as her breathes came out heavily, hitting myself as I hinted the sweet scent of the apple flavored vodka she drank earlier

“You’ve been a bad girl and I’m going to make you understand what I meant by screaming my name… you dared me, remember?” I said and her lips parted slightly, her eyes widening in expectations


Jasmine’s Pov

I stared at him and I could see the desires in his eyes, something I haven’t seen in him before, I won’t deny…. he’s got me hooked as I felt my whole body vibrating from the rush of emotions earlier and I wanted more, I needed more, I want more than kissing, I can see it in his eyes that he wants me just as much as I want him

I gulped down as his hands trails my thighs as a defiant smirk was plastered in his face, I felt something twitch underneath me and I can’t believe this boy is turning me on with just mere words, I want to see it come to life

“Make me scream, please……” I mumbled softly and he smriked

“I can’t hear you, what did you say?” He asked and I cussed inwardly, he’s trying to pay back for what I did to him when he tried cooking but this isn’t the right time to punish me, not when I’m throbbing helplessly

“Make me scream” I said again, a little bit audible this time and he slowly took to the edge of the chair close by, eloping in between my legs as he looks down at me, my whole body reacting to every single move

“Say it louder….. Star” he said calmly, not bothered by the fact that my core is literally breathing within my lace panties

“Make me fcking scream!,” I said louder and he smriked, bending down to the crook of my neck as he lashed wet kisses close to my collar bone, I grabbed him tightly as he continued teasing me.


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5 thoughts on “SILENT MOANS : CHAPTERS 61 – 70”

  1. Nice writeup, jasmine should really tell jay about the contract she sign with his mother before it’s too late. I am waiting for the next 10 episode today cos it’s two days interval and today makes it the third day. More ink to your pen


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