
THE FIVE COLORED STONES [Super Natural Story]: Episode 1 to 10

THE FIVE COLORED STONES [Super Natural Story]: Episode 1 to 10.

The Girl with The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

? Episode Five?

? Clary ?

“Drink the wine” the prime minister said and l gasped in fear.

“Please spare her, spare my daughter” uncle Noah said as he came running in.

“Spare my daughter, l beg you prime minister please spare my daughter, she was manipulated please spare my daughter” my uncle pleaded and bowed continously.

“Take him away” the state perspector ordered.

Uncle Noah was carried away as he kept pleading and screaming loudly.

I wiped the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes.

This was all planned.

The missing earrings and making me serve the state perspector was all planned by the prime ministers wife, but why?
What does she want from me? Why will she frame me?

Why do l always have to cause trouble for uncle Noah, making them treat him like trash?

How could l be so foolish, after l overhead their conservation, and after searching for the missing earrings l should have changed the wine.

Maybe someone else poisoned the wine when l joined the maid in searching for Madam’s earrings.

Everything was perfectly planned.

“Someone” the prime minister called.

“Make her to drink the wine.”

“No please l didn’t poison the wine, believe me l didn’t” l said.

“Make her drink the wine now” the prime minister said.

The witch took the cup and took slow strides towards me.

She got close to me and gave me the wine.

“Drink” she ordered.

I took the cup from her and stared at it.

So this is how am going to die?

I think is for the best, l won’t trouble uncle Noah anymore.

I took the cup slowly to my lips and with all the courage l could gather l open my mouth and boom! The cup fell from my hands with a loud thud and the wine spilled on the floor.

“How did it happen?”

“Capture her” the prime minister yelled angrily.

“Skylar” l cried as the guards captured her.

“No! Please let her be,l will bear the consequences alone” l begged.

“Such guts, you dare to spill the wine? Lock her up.” The state perspector commanded.

“No please, no Skylar why did you have to help me, you should have just allow me to die, l keep causing trouble, now l have got you involved too.”

“Don’t cry Clarissa, l will be fine.”

“She is a werewolf, torture her” the state perspector said and they took Skylar away.

“Bring her here” the state perspector pointed at me and they made me knee closer to him.

“This is your punishment” he said and stretch out his hand towards me.

“Aaaaaaaah! I screamed as my body was on fire.

“Please stop! Please please please” l begged as I felt him $trangling me.

“I held my throat and coughed badly.”

“Stop” Someone said and the state perspector stopped his magic as l fell back on the floor.

“Royal order” the criminal should be brought to the palace for further punishment” A guard from the palace said.

“The emperor doesn’t interfere in my business, who gave you such order?” The state perspector asked angrily.

Picked For You:  THE EXCHANGE : Episode 21 - 30

“This Is my party and the criminal attempted to murder my guest l should decide how l punish her” the prime minister said.

“Who sent you? Show us the royal badge” the state perspector said.

“The guard brought a badge from his dress and showed it to everyone.”

Everyone gasped in surprise.

“You can go with the criminal,l dare not disobey the crown prince” the prime minister said.

“Take her away, who dare to disobey the crown prince” the crowd murmured.

I felt someone lift me off the ground and everything went blank.



? Dreyfus ?

“Lonrenzo are you ready?” I asked

“Yes l am.”

“Firstly am going to teach you the secret spell of the royal family in the northern clan.”

“Secondly, the invisible technique, you are going to use it at the last minute, before you find out the truth.”

“How is the prince doing?”

“He is severely injured,he needs to be properly taken care of.”

“Please take care of him Dreyfus, he has to stay alive before l find out the truth.”

“Now let’s start.”


“Crown prince?”l called but got no response.

“Lonrenzo what are you thinking?”

“Am sorry, l was lost in thoughts, let’s start now.”

“I can’t teach you, you can’t learn when your mind is troubled.”

“Tell me what’s happening?”

“I thought you know it all Dreyfus, why ask me.”

“Yes l know Clarissa was framed and she was seriously injured.”

“She wasn’t injured Dreyfus, The state perspector used black magic on her blood was frozen by the magic and she is gonna die soon.”

“What? Black magic.”

“How can the state perspector practice black magic?”

“Just let her die, that way you don’t have to bear the guilt of killing her with your own hands.”

“What are you saying? I can’t let her die.”

“Who was the person that framed her and why?”

“Lonrenzo, if you help her again l don’t know what your teacher will do to you, so l advise you as the best friend you call me, stay away from her, if she has to die, let it be.”

“Never, she saved me remember? She saved me though it almost cost her life.”

“And you ve saved her countlessly, you ve repaid her Lonrenzo.”

“Dreyfus, she has been through alot, today makes it the third day she v’e been absent from school.”


“This Is too much, she is gonna be punished.”

“Just let her die Lonrenzo, her life can’t be peaceful.

Today is also the first day of the treasure hunt, it’s better you let her die in peace.

“If she survives, she has to participate in the treasure hunt no matter how injured she is and she will be sent to hunt down a fire dragon for being absent for the third time.”

“She is still gonna die, her internal organs are all frozen, she will die in 24hours, unless……… you dare not.”

“I will Dreyfus, am sorry l can’t let her die.”

“You dare not, what’s wrong with you Lonrenzo?”

“I have no choice Dreyfus, l will have to break a seal in her body.”




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