?(Battle for Supremacy)?

?By Humble Smith & Clara William?

??Season 2??

??Episode 25..??

Victor’s POV

I was happy that presh was released but also sad that Amanda couldn’t tell anything reasonable about Anna, she was bent on keeping the truth and dying, all the t©rture didn’t made succumb, I had to lie to Anna so she would release presh..

I really wonder what this secret would actually be that she preferred death than spitting.

I could have killed her right there if not for the deal I made with Anna to release her in exchange of presh..

I brought Amanda out as I waited for the arrival of presh..

It took a few minutes before the car with her came by…

One of the men hopped down and took Amanda before the door was opened for presh to walk out.

I felt great joy and happiness as I saw her walked to me without any bruise…

I quickly hugged her tightly and could feel how tensed she really is, something must be really eating her up..

“Presh did she hurt you??.you look troubled what is it??” I asked with care as I stared into her wet eyes…

“Where is my mom?” She asked

“She is receiving treatment from my personal doctor now, you can meet her later..are you really alright presh?” I asked holding her hand softly

“I’m fine my love, I’m fine but my heart is bleeding, my heart is turn apart, could a formed suddenly turn into a greatest enemy? could Anna my friend be the one causing all this to me??” She sulked and rested her head on my chest…

“Don’t worry, everything would soon be fine I promise, let’s get in…” I breathed feeling pity for her…


Presh POV

I sat still on the couch in deep thought, my memories keep flashing to some blurry events which I can’t actually explain, the more I tries, the more confused I becomes, it was night and victor had already dozed off, but how would sleep when something kept flashing through my memory..

Anytime I looked straight to Victor’s face, it would come in a rush, some memories, some hidden event that my mind couldn’t process..

My meeting with Anna was just what brought about all this, I’m getting to understand that my memory was affected somehow…how is it possible that I knew Anna was my friend without remembering any event that went between us after that day in the bush…

That day I was unconscious, how was it possible that I can’t remember anything from then, Victor said this Is the same lady who made me blind, how come I don’t know how or when..


I rested head on the pillow as I drown in thoughts again,
Just then, a voice sounded in me, the voice was that of an old man, it sounded like the voice I heard in my unconscious state that day in the bush…


That man had said I had a royal blood and Anna was there, could she have hated me for that??

I looked at Victor and something came into my mind immediately…

It was a secret that could destroy Anna, I arched my brow wondering how it came…

If the oracle had pointed at Anna then it could only means she had had sx with the oracle man and tampered with the ancient water…

I glanced at Victor again and something struck my mind…I am the crowned princess and he is the Prince, Anna wants the throne for something no one could tell…

She must have swam into that holy water and had sx with the sorcerer so as leave him powerless.

I quickly jolted up abruptly, it’s time to fight her, time to stop her before she succeeds in her evil plan…

The oracle had pointed at her because I was absent and she had the water on her body, the water had looked like a Royal blood…

I took out my phone and searched for her number through Victor’s call logs..

“Hello Anna!” I called out

“Guess this is presh!” She asked

“Yeah girl…why did you went into the holy water made for Royal creature?..this equally means you had sx with the sorcerer!” I bawled and I couldn’t hear any word, I could sense she was greatly shocked

“Presh, can you remember?..are you recalling something?” She stuttered and I shut my eyes tightly and another scene crossed my mind..


“Before an ordinary woman could make the oracle point at them, many sacrifice would be made…

She would have to give up her mother, it would be more acceptable if her mother has the Royal blood, when the mother had been given, three vrgins would also be sacrificed, she would then have the power to have sx with the sorcerer, after swimming in the pool of the holy water for the Royal body, she would now be the one seen by the oracle…

“Her face would be the one the oracles sees as the princess…”

“The only way to find out that she isn’t the one is only if the Prince could see his real princess, he would get attracted to her, that’s the only way to find out…”

These are the world of that woman I met in a small hut in the bush where I went to play with Anna one day, she had taken us to her hut when we were exhausted from running around.

All this word was what she told me in the absence of Anna, I don’t know of Anna heard it but she had walked in just after she was done saying it all..

We were just 10 years old then…

Could it be that Anna made that sacrifices??.. Yeah..nothing else could make the oracle point at her…

She doesn’t want me to meet victor so we won’t fall in love..

“Anna why did you do all that?..why??..that means you killed your mother!” I bawled

What!!!!..presh!!..what can you recall??..what.

..omg!!!” She kept exclaiming

“ decided to do all that for the throne?..why??.what actually do you want?” I asked getting sober..

“I want you dead!!..kill your self!! can’t be the princess!.. I alone would sit on that throne!!!” She screamed

“And how do you think I’d make that happen?..just get ready for me..I will expose you!!..” I gritted

“Don’t you dare spit it out to Victor!!..don’t!!” She steamed more of pleading than command..

“I’m sorry, I can’t let you destroy the royalty!” I breathed and hung the call..

Anna’s POV

I knew it from the beginning that presh would regain her memory when she sees Victor!!..

We are already doomed!!

Amanda was still on treatment, I swear I’ll be killed if presh says this to victor and it gets to the ear of the king..

Is this how I am going to end? seriously??

After all my sacrifice, hell no!!..I killed my mother for this, three virgin had their life taken for this, no one can ever stop me!!!

Presh should get ready for the real devil in me!!!!
I will strike her down at all cost I swear!!!!

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