Twist of Fate

(Battle for Supremacy)

By. Humble Smith & Clara William?

Season 2

Episode 28

Anna’s POV

I stared up at the cameras to be sure I wasn’t dreaming, like seriously, who hung that there, it wasn’t even one of them, they are three and were rightly positioned to get a clear view of me.

It was like the person was aware I’d pass through that route..

Fear gripped me as the thought of being caught elude me…

I had shot at the prince, Victor, if ever they find out I was the one who did all that, I swear I would be hung alive…

I need to run out of here first, let me watch out how everything would turn out, the prince would have a loss of memory and would also be bedridden due to the bullet so he wouldn’t be able to check the records of the camera, maybe before he regains himself, I would have find a way to destroy it…

I scurried away and dived into my car parked at a distant place before zooming off..

Presh’s POV

I opened my eyes only to see I was in the hospital again, a deep sigh escaped my lips, why was I here??

What actually happened?..I can’t even remember there was silence everywhere in the ward.. I managed to sit up and just then, someone with a face cap walked in slowly..

He was wearing a lab coat but seriously, it was clear he isn’t a doctor, no doctor wears a face cap, it is clear he was shading his face…

“Who are you!!!” I asked feeling fright as the thought of Anna flashed my mind… Has she sent another person to kill me??

“Calm down, don’t stress yourself out, I have fee questions for you..” He said calmly leaving me staring straight to his face which can’t be seen clearly..

“What did she did to you guys??..what did she actually did?” He asked making me sneer at him..

“Who is she?..I don’t understand a single of what you are saying..” I arched my brow

“Huh??..did she cleared your memory??..go$h!! can’t remember Anna doing anything to you yesterday?” He asked and I arched my brow trying to remember anything was not coming a bit, it was just like there was no yesterday…

“Take this…” He said handing a pill to me..

“What is that!!…who are you really??..what is your name..what are you here for??” I rammed questions

“I’m your guardian, so sorry I hadn’t been with you, your blindness made me unable to recognize you” he said

“Who told you I’m the real heir??..” I asked knowing fully well that guardians are only for the Royal princess..

“Do I need to be told??..your blood says it all, I had notice it some how that Anna isn’t the real princess that was why I couldn’t protect her openly…” He shrugged

“Wow…so I got the guardian even when no one would believe I’m the princess” I smiled..

“I can’t be the only one knowing it, everyone has to know, you are the only hope of the kingdom now, if we don’t fight, Anna would take the throne…” He breathed

“What do you intend now?” I questioned

“Take this pill, you would regain your memory shortly, Anna may come here to pretend, just say the truth when it is due, I also have the video of her escaping yesterday, it would also be an evidence..” He said with a small smile..

“Thanks Mr…” I shrugged

“Anna has to be expose before this week runs out, next week she would be crowned the princess, that would be her win, Victor has a memory loss now, he may not have enough evidence against her…the fact that the oracle pointed at her is enough evidence to make her the Queen..” He breathed

“Okay…” I nodded and gulped the pill without water, I was so anxious to bring Anna down, let me regain my memory quickly…

“I’ll be back soon..” He said and head out..

“Please one more thing for me..” I said and he turned
“What is it?”

“Find a way to get a gold bracelet from Anna, the bracelet that could make the Royal blood in her a poison..” I pleaded and he nodded and walked out…

Five seconds after, a doctor walked in to check on me..

Anna’s POV

“Next week!!!!!” I squealed on glee..

I have a mix feelings, just needs to kill presh mother so she wouldn’t come out there to start talking gibberish, if she dies now, presh with loss of memory, even if she later regains her memory, who would listen to her nonsense.

Its time to meet the king and queen, I can’t wait to be that Queen of the throne, I would then fulfil my promise before ruling the people.

I slumped on my sofa with a mischievous smile, there is gonna be no hope for them, no choice than to make me that princess which I long for…

The kingdom wouldn’t know what would befall them the moment when I would seat on that throne…

I pocked up a wine and gulp in excitement, just then, my phone rang…

I checked the screen and it was an unsaved number..
I can’t remember giving anyone my number recently…

“Hello…” I said immediately I clicked on the green button

“Congrat for the job well done, I just called to tell you that I got the clip, you must have seen my spy cam up there, get ready for the worst…” The strange voice croaked and hung up even before I could take a breath..


Is this real or what??..the cameras was set by another person, who then?…it isn’t the prince so who?????

Oh god…what is trying to happen??..wait, would he show the video to the king?…what!!!!

That means I’m doomed!!!!

I pocked my phone to call again but it number was disabled,
My heart beat increased and I felt dmn sweaty, oh go$h!!!
Who is this????

I need to meet the king and queen, let me make them love me more so they won’t believe I could shoot at Victor…

Aaahhhh…would I lose??..hell no!!!

I quickly dressed up and head to the palace….

I walked in slowly like someone who was sick, yeah, that would be my reason for not visiting the prince since yesterday..I am even ready to cry.

“What happened to my Prince!!!!!” I wailed as I entered the chamber, tears was all over my face…

“Anna where had you been?????” The king asked

“Victor didn’t tell you both??..I was sick, I was feverish some days after we had sx” I sulked making them stare at me with a confused look..

“Ohh, who shoot at my husband and son to my unborn baby, God!!!” I cried pushing the Queen to cuddle me..

“But what is presh mother saying!!!” The king growled

“Your highness, have you heard of the force of darkness, I may say that is what her and her daughter is, they had been against the oracle and the throne for a long time” I mumbled

“Seriously I don’t know what to believe now but…I believe that with time, the truth would expose..” He shrugged

“so are you saying you ate pregnant?” The queen asked with a sweet smile

“It must be, let’s wait and week he would marry me…” I smiled broadly

“Are you talking more on marriage instead of his health????” The king questioned

“…was just, oh, I think I should be going to see him now!!!” I screamed crying more as I walked out…

“Why do I suddenly feels something fishy about her??..I don’t think all that presh mother said was all lies…” I overheard the king said as I left..


Just wait till I’m crowned the princess, you would meet your ancestors immediately..
I drove to the hospital to laugh at them, I am anxious to laugh at their

I got to Victor’s ward and laughed out my eyes seeing the bandages used to decorate his body…

I head to presh ward for another round of laughter, she would be lost now as nothing can be remembered…

I got into the ward and she was sitting on the bed with her gaze downward…

I was about laughing at her before the door opened and the king walked in…


Why did he followed me here??..presh mother also walked in that moment

“Anna, you are still here, thanks for visiting her even when it seemed there is a brawl between you both” the king smiled and I forced out mine..

Presh mother gave me a dagger look which I ignored..

“How do you feel?” The king asked presh..

“I’m getting better, how is Prince Victor?” She asked with a wet eyes

“He is getting better too, can’t you really recall what happened?..who did all this to you both!!” The king asked and she glanced at me making my heart flip..

“I can’t remember” she mumbled making me sigh in relief..
“Okay presh, there…..”

“Your highness…” She called cutting his speech

“I can remember what happened last night..” She said out making my eyes widen so widely..

“You shouldn’t just guess your enemies, we all know you had amnesia” I interjected

“Oh yes but I just regained my memory so easily, I even has the video record of the person escaping through the window…” She said slowly leaving the king so curious…

I couldn’t believe what I am hearing…

“The guard with the person, killed himself before we can ask him anything, we lost hope of finding the culprit, you can recall??” He asked

“Yes sure, you mat doubt me so I would later show you the video tape…” Her voice struck my heart…

I couldn’t move am inch, is she really saying all this with her sense???

“Your Highness, I think we should call the doctor, she may be insane!!” I blurted

“Its your generation that is insane, your evil deed would be exposed today…” Presh mother retorted

“Father….” She called the king who smiled

“The person who shot at your son and made him lose his memory is….” She paused as the door of the ward opened with two people walking in…
The Queen and a strange man…

Who is this man??

“She was about saying who did all that to our son” the king said and they all listened again..

Omg!!..what should I do now???

“She is the one…” I heard her voice as she pointed at me…

Everyone turned to me that moment..


“Do you all believed that??”

“I don’t!!!” The king and queen screamed in chorus..

“I have the video tape here..” That strange man said and I felt my heart sank…

I’m dead!!!!

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