The mansion was very busy as they prepared for their Dad’s birthday, no special guest was brought because Adelaide was handling the cake.

She arrives at the big kitchen with Emily and meets the maid already in their apron. The arrangements started as they prepared the ingredients, Autumn came also in her apron but didn’t forget her camera. Stacy smiles happily after seeing her. Delaney also came in which surprised others but she didn’t talk to any of them. The preparation started as they put the butter and sugar, then the mixer started mixing it together.

“Emily” Abby called excitedly as she walked into the kitchen, her mum was behind her. Emily came down from the table top and went to hug her.

“I hope I am not late yet?” She asked.

“No, she just started,” Emily said as they both sat down on the table and watched.

“ I am decorating the mansion, so I have to go now” her mum said and left. She is very popular for decorating, she was always invited to big events.

Delaney was watching everything silently, while Autumn was snapping the picture with a smile. A lot of sweet comments were sent as the fans admire Adelaide. Soon the mixture was done and the batter was put in a pan before they were put in an oven.

About an hour later, the baked cake was brought out of the oven and put in a place to cool. Then they started making the cover.

Everywhere was quiet as they watched Adelaide designing the cake, she took her time, she knew her father in-law’s favorite color so she used it and soon she was done with the decorations.

“Oh damn, this is so beautiful, you are the best sister in law” Autumn said. She didn’t make the video because she wanted to surprise her fans. It was only the people present that saw the cake. They spent more than five hours decorating the cake so it was close to the time of the party by the time they were done, so they just went to dress up.

Adelaide went to her room with Emily and Abby, she saw a big beautiful dress hang in front of her. The wine dress was looking so attractive that she smiled at the sight. She doesn’t need any soothing sayer to tell her it was her husband’s handwork. She admires the clothes, she is so pleased. Beside it were two beautiful dresses, one for Emily and the other for Abby, since Emily requested that, it has a different design but it is the same color and they are beautiful. The girls giggled in excitement after seeing the dress. She bathes them and gets ready to dress them. Their name was written on the dress so she was able to identify it. She dresses them and styles their hair in different styles. Emily was wearing a crown while Abby was using a bow, they both look beautiful. The girl ran out to show people their dress since some guests had started coming.

She went to take her bath before coming back to the bedroom. She smiled when she realized it was Noah that chose the dress for her but frowned when she remembered his behavior. She wore the gown after doing some makeup, she didn’t want to dress a lot since the party was taking place at home. After she put on the dress, she was able to zip it up, but her hand couldn’t reach the rope at the back that she was supposed to tie.

“Stay still” she heard as someone grabbed the rope and tied it, she knew it was Noah, she waited for him to tie it. She faced him and he started staring at her face. His hand moved to her face so before they could touch it she moved backwards.

“Thanks” she muttered and went to the bed so that can wear her shoe.he continued staring at her until she was done, she moved toward the door and he followed behind. When they got to the main mansion, a lot of people were present already, they watched the beautiful couple. Jasmine suddenly drags Noah away as the guests focus on their business.

“What do you want from me?” Noah asked frustratedly.

“Please, it’s not actually what you think,” she pleaded.

“Jasmine, I don’t care what you do,there is nothing between us, I found out you are not pregnant and that make me so happy” Noah said.

“Do you even think of the reasons why I lied, it was because 8 love you, I don’t want to lose you to that sl*t” she said.

“This should be the last time you will call my wife . I saw you with a man and you have the guts to call my wife names,” he said.

“I am sorry, please, I just love you” she said and wanted to touch him but he moved back.

“You should stay away from me and my family, whatever happened is none of your business “ Noah said and started going.

“Just know I won’t give up on you, I have been with you for years, so I won’t allow any b*tch to take you away “ she said seriously.

“Do whatever you like,” Noah said and left.
“Adelaide” Derek mummy called, she was there with her son.

“Wow ma’am” Adelaide smiled. Both mother and son continue looking at her without saying anything.

“So how did you end up marrying the Everest Heir?” Derek’s mum asked.

“It’s all thanks to your son, if he hadn’t broken up with me, then I wouldn’t have met my sweetheart,” she said with a smile.

“So we are……”

“What are you doing with my sister?” Francisco asked behind them, he was looking so hot in his tuxedo.

“It’s nothing “ Derek says fearfully and drags his mum away from there.

“You look weak, I hope you are not stressing yourself “ Fransisco asked and touched her hair.

“I am good “ she smiled but truly, she has been feeling weak.

“Take care of yourself “ Francisco said and left me Dalton and Brielle who were just entering the mansion, they were both looking pretty.
“You have to do something, this witch can make us lose the deal we are about to sign with the family “ Derek mum said.

“I think I know what to do, she loves me too much so I know she still has feelings for me, I will get her that way” Derek said while looking at Adelaide. She suddenly looked very beautiful to him.
“Why are you sad when the party hasn’t even started yet?” Mrs Everest asked and sat down beside jasmine.

“I don’t think I will ever have a chance with him anymore,” Jasmine said.

“Says who, we will do everything in order to get rid of that witch, so don’t worry yourself” Mrs Everest said.

“I can’t wait, it’s getting too long, they have been married for more than two months now,” Jasmin said.

“Just calm down, I know what to do” Mrs Everest said and someone signaled to her before entering a corner, she stood up and followed the person.
“Dennis what are you doing here, people may see you” she said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about that, your husband invited me himself, or do you think I am joking when I say I am now a big man, I own a car company, I sell cars” he said proudly.

“You own a company? What did you do Dennis?” She asked.

“The man that owns the company doesn’t know how to handle it, so I killed him two years ago and I took over. The company is doing well now, but the problem is, the man children are back,” Dennis said.

“Then what is waiting for, get rid of them “ Mrs Everest said.

“You can help me with that since you are closer to them,” Dennis said.

“Who are you talking about?” Mrs Everest asked.

“Adelaide and Fransisco Salvatore “ Dennis said.

“They are my enemy too,” Mrs Everest said with a smirk.

“That means it will be easier than I thought,” Dennis said. They hear the announcement that the party was about to, so they leave after exchanging a kiss.

“What is going on between these two?” Jasmin thought with a smirk.
The guests gathered around with a smile as Mr Everest was brought out by his two sons, they were wearing the same tuxedos, they didn’t like it but they didn’t have a choice since that’s what their dad wanted. The people started clapping as the father waved, some were taking their pictures. The cake was pushed to the place by some men and people gasp as they take the pictures. The cake was so beautiful. Noah was shocked, he realized that his wife was really good, she seems to be good at everything.

They sang for him and he cut the cake, he fed it to every member of the family and the cake was shared around.

Mr Everest dropped a speech and the people started having fun. He sat down at a place with his wife and the guest came to greet him one after the other. Noah went to meet his friend Stanley and they started gisting. Some couples were dancing too.
“So how did you see my dress?” Stacy asked Nicholas, she went to meet him since he was sitting alone.

“I thought you would stay away from me after last night,” he said.

“I am not staying away from you, so get ready for me” she said and sat beside him, she collected his wine and drank it but started coughing immediately.

“That is a cocktail, you can’t handle it” he chuckled and collected it back, she started drinking water to clear the taste. Mrs Everest was watching them with a frown, she knew she had to do something, she would never allow her son to get close to a slave.
“I want to start living here, I love it” Brielle pouted cutely.

“You can come, there are a lot of rooms,” Autumn said. Delaney came to their place, no one had seen her .

“You are so pretty in that dress” Fransisco complimented and to his surprise, she smiled.

“Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from you, you are so handsome too” she said.

“Do you mean what you just said?” He asked in surprise.

“Do you want to dance with me?” She asked and he nodded, she dragged him up and they went to join the people who were dancing already. Autumn was watching them sadly, she has been expecting him to compliment her but he doesn’t seem to see her.

Delaney smirks while watching the sad look on her face, and she has finally come with another plan, which is to make Dalton jealous and make Autumn sad for the way she spoke to her yesterday. The plan seems to be working perfectly. Dalton took Autumn to the dancing floor and there remained only Brielle on the seat.
“Hey” she heard beside her and was shocked to see Parker.

“What are you doing here?” She asked in surprise.

“I came with my dad, do you want to dance?” He asked.

“Of course” she smiled as he took her to the dancing floor. They started dancing. Dalton frowned deeply the moment he saw them, he was glaring at Parker, he was really angry seeing the way he was touching her waist.
“Noah and Nicholas Everest, it is nice to meet you” the president said. He actually attended the party with his first lady, so Mr Everest introduced his sons to him.

“Who baked that cake, it’s so beautiful” the first lady asked.

“That is the handwork of my daughter in-law” Mr Everest said with a proud smile.

“Wow, can I see her?” The first lady asked. Mrs Everest rolls her eyes annoyingly.
Mr Everest signal Adelaide to come so she stood up, she was actually watching Stanley playing with the girls. She stood up and started walking toward them but her head feel heavy, she started to feel dizzy, and then she suddenly fell down.

“Adelaide!!!!!” The two brothers called and ran toward her at the same time. People were watching them in shock.

Noah was the first to get there so he carried her in bridal style, while Nicholas stood at a spot watching in regret. He had wished he would be the first person to get her.

“She has lost consciousness, please get the doctor” he shouted and started running to their mansion, he dropped her on the bed as the family doctor arrived. They were lucky he also attended the party.
Noah was pacing around the sitting room, as the doctor attended to her, he was worried that something serious had happened to her. The doctor came out and he went to meet him.

“Doctor, please what is happening to her?” He asked fearfully.

“Nothing is wrong with her, she is just stressed and tired, she need a lot of rest because of her condition “ the doctor said.

“What condition are you talking about?” Noah asked in confusion.

“Didn’t you know your wife is pregnant?” The doctor asked.

“Pre……. pregnant?” Noah asked in shock.





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