” Pull over.” He said with so much order.
” What !”
” Tinkerbell can you please pull over ?”
” Why should I do that ?

I thought…” Without completing the word , my passenger already pull the brake. I breathe in and out and look at him. Did he want to kill me ?

” Let’s swap seats. I’m driving this time.” He says with his grey eyes not leaving mine. Wait , did I talk about his hair ? Uhh..
” I can’t let you drive my car.” I fire. He undid his seatbelt and look at me.

” I’m waiting.”
” I won’t let you drive my car.”
” This is not even a car. It’s a box.” He said with his British accent and I hated that it carries sarcasm.

” Don’t insult my car. It’s not like you have one , if not you won’t be stuck in my car.” I tell him as his brows furrows.
He snorts a chuckle and reach out to lift me off my seat.

” What are you doing ?” I explain. He didn’t answer but successfully creep underneath me to take the wheel.

My butt had to gently touch his lower body and i feel humiliated, maybe because I felt weird with that contact.

I stumble to my passenger seat and tuck back my scattered hair.

” What’s the meaning of that ?” I ask him still trying to swallow whatever thing he just did.
He starts the car and change gear. The speed was terrible and I hopelessly slam my head against the window.

I turn to look at him and I could see a smirk at the corner of his lips. I think he just came out of rehab. I quickly fasten my seatbelt before I die of hypertension.

” What type of speed is this ?” I ask him with a high pitch voice.
” That’s how you drive a fuckin car.” He scoffs. How dare he curse in my car. Now i feel unholy. How am I supposed to make heaven with such a man in my car.

” Stop cussing in my car.” I said and sigh.” I don’t like it.”
He chuckle not even sparing me a glance.” You’re seriously fuckin me up right now , Tinkerbell.”

” You did it again. You don’t curse in my car and secondly I’m not Tinkerbell.”

” Alright Snow White.” He says and glance at me. My heart almost freeze at his smirk. He roll his eyes and glance back at the road still in speed.

He’s weird.
” You’re weird. It’s obvious you’re just getting out of rehab.” I utter lowly.
He didn’t reply and I watch how he handles my wheel.

” I’m too cute for that , Snow White.” Great ! From Tinkerbell to snow White and then Ariel.
” So what’s a naive Christian doing at this side of town ?” He ask and stare at me , still wearing that smirk.

” I’m not a naive Christian . And what I’m doing at this side of town is not your business.”

” You’re naive. At least this could tell.” He says and motion to the rosary hanging on the rearview mirror.

” Don’t mock my faith.”
” Why would I do that ?”
” You called me naive.”

” It’s the truth. This isn’t 2003 and now I think I’m living backwards.” He scoff.” I feel like traveling to Mars.” He says with British accent again.

” Why are you swapping accents ? British accent and then American. What’s with you ?”

” I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Great , this time he spoke in his obvious American accent. Why his he faking a British accent.
” You know i feel like I’m gonna burn in hell for accepting to give you a ride.”

” It’s really weird you’ll definitely burn in hell.” He says and stop for a red light. We’re at the main side of town and I don’t see my house.

” Stop judging me.” I scoff and look out of the window.
I feel his eyes stare at me before he continues driving again.

” You’re too pretty to be this naive.” My heart beat freeze again. He called me pretty. But then I remembered Freddie said same words and took advantage of me at the end.
My mood changes and I was forced to bite my thumb.

For some reasons I’m glad I’m away from home. Away from torment and this total stranger just made me forget I’ve been through a lot of shit. My head begin pounding a bit and I already forgot I had to take my medicine.


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