Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 101 – 110


I flip on my belly and sit back on the edge of his desk. He wraps his hand around my waist and lean our foreheads together as he kisses my lips slowly. He bites it gently and smile.

” You’re fuckin beautiful.”

” Yeah ?” I giggle.

” Yeah. That was great.” He takes in a deep breath and move his head back to look into my eyes.

” Tucker is already tired.” I mutter and sigh.

” I don’t fuckin care.” He picks his white dress shirt and wipe me off his release.

” What are you gonna wear ?” I ask referring to his shirt.

” Don’t worry about that. Got tons of that.” He kisses my forehead help me with my panties.

” You might wanna use the restroom. That way.” I nod and pick my clothes off the floor as I go to the bathroom direction.

I shut the door behind him and stare at my reflection. Yeah , my hair is a bit messy already. I quickly wash my face and hands. I get dressed and sweep my hand through my hair. Now i look like a person. I open the bathroom door and walk out.

” Gray..” I call out and pause to what I see. Sarai looks up at me totally taken off guard. She looks scared , shocked and afraid. She stand beside Gray’s desk with a flashdrive on her hands about to fix it into the computer.

Her mouth is slightly apart as she stares at me. Why’s she scared ?

” What are you doing ?”

She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I look around the office and Gray’s nowhere to be seen. Which means one thing , she must have sneak herself inside his office. I barely could tell why she look scared and frightened holding a flash drive.

What’s she doing ?

” Uh.. I’m…” She stutters.

Suddenly , Reid walks in.


” Where’s Gray ?” Reid asks me as he glance from me to Sarai.
” He’s not in.” I reply and cross my arms.

” Then why are you here ?” He ask me.
” None of your business , Reid. I’m sure he’s speaking with my Tucker. You can look for him around.” I say.
He huffs and stare at Sarai before leaving.

” What are you doing here ?” I ask Sarai again. She gives me her fake smile and walk out from the desk.
” I am here to see Gray.”
” Gray’s not here. Why are you holding a flashdrive ?”

” The last time I checked , you’re Ariel Peterson and not a detective. What’s your issues ?”
I cross my arms and blink my eyes at her. She’s so weird. Deep down , I have this feeling she is working secretly for Reid.

” Can I see the flashdrive ?”
” Why should I give it to you ? It’s a business drive that contains information about Gray’s clients. I was here to check before you barged in.”

” You were frightened Sarai.”
” True. Cause my job is also frightened. I would mind my business if I were you.” She hisses and walks out of the office.

I sigh and pick up my shoes as I step inside my shoes. I need a good bath and a nice sleep. Everything happening around is so strange.

Alexa is not picking her calls after I saw her with Vladimir entering a restaurant. Why are they together ? I don’t wanna believe Alexa would sell me out to Vladimir. What if she’s working for him. So many questions that I need answers from.

Gray walks into his office with a new clean white dress shirt. Yeah , he was right. Maybe he had tons of it in here.

” You’re okay ?” He coo’s and run his hands through my hair.
I sigh and shake my head.
” What’s Sarai’s work status ? What does she do ?”
” That’s a question I didn’t expect from you.”

I shrug and look at him.
” She seduces men to steal information from them. Those informations are important and most times used against them.”
” Does she sleep with them ?”
” That’s her choice. I don’t fuckin care. Are you sure you’re okay ?”
” Why do you need their informations ?”

He raises his brows and smirks. So what’s amusing ?
” You’re not a detective , are you ?” He grimaces holding slightly to my waist.

I chuckle and swat his hand.” Why would you say that ?” He shrugs and smile at me.
” I don’t really know how to explain that to you. Their informations are sort of useful.”

” Do you kill them ? The men ?”
He sighs and stare blankly at me. ” Are you’re okay ?” I smile and nod.
” We don’t kill them if it’s not necessary. Quit asking these questions.”
I roll my eyes and try to break free from his hold but he’s stronger and won’t let me.

” Where are you going ?”
” Kennedy needs me at home and I need to come home today.”
” Ariel , you’re not going home today.”
” Why ?”
” Because I don’t want you to. I want to look after you.” He says. I laugh and rest my hand on his chest.
” I’m not ten , Gray.”

” Yeah ? And you can’t even shoot a gun.” He deadpans. I bite my lips and glare playfully at him.
” So where’s it written that I must learn how to shoot a gun.”


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