Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 111 – 120


After few minutes of driving , we halt outside the frat house. This is the biggest frat house among all the other frat houses. Eyes dart to my car as most people gasp. Some murmurs holding their red cups. The outside is pretty occupied with almost drunk collegers scattered around the house.

This isn’t cool. We step out of the car and people won’t stop ogling. They gawk at me or maybe my car actually as we shut the door. We ignore the eyes and walk into the frat house. The loud music blares through the speaker and it almost tear out my eardrums. People hand red cups on our hands before walking past us. I promised Gray i wasn’t gonna get drunk and I need to keep to that promise. I hand my red cup to someone else and we saunter to the kitchen.

” I’m getting wasted.” Piper mutters holding shots.

” I gotta attend Mass tomorrow and I’m skipping being hangover.” I smile and pick one shot of vodka.

We throw our heads back and chug down the shot. The taste is as aweful as i remember. I look around the living room and it’s occupied with drunk dancing people. Alexa is not in sight. Something is wrong.

” Ariel.” A familiar voice said beside me. I turn around to see Ryan.

” Hi Ryan.”

” Damn , you look pretty.” I blush and tuck my loose hair behind my ears.

” What you doing at frat ?” He asks after checking me out.

” To party of course.” I reply. Brandon hand him a shot. Ryan smiles at him as appreciation before taking the shot.

” You’re always storming clubs lately. No offense , Gee. You look hot.”

” Ryan , she’s taken.” Piper blinks her eyes and grin.

” I didn’t forget. Can’t take my eyes off her, you just gotta blame my eyes.” Ryan says and chug down his shot.

” Seen Alexa ?”

” No. Surprisingly , she didn’t show up at frat yesterday and even today. Alexa is a frat freak. I think she’s out of town to see her parents.” Ryan says. But that won’t guarantee her switching off her phone.

I breathe in and look at the guys. What if she’s been kidnapped by Vladimir ? But why would he do that ? They look comfortable around each other. It was obvious they’ve known each other for a long time now. What if she’s working for Vladimir ? What if she’s not ? I need to confront her and talk to Gray about Alexa and Vladimir.

I skip the rest shots and Ryan offered for me to dance with him. I stylishly told him no and his face saddens. He quickly smile at me and we continued talking. Hazel and Leslie stalk into the kitchen holding their red cups.

” Sup Ariel. Surprise to see you. Thought you should be storming clubs , Mrs Carter.” Hazel smiles and pour liquor in her red cup. Leslie couldn’t meet my eyes and I liked it.

I ignore Hazel and lean close to Leslie who’s drinking.

” Hey sis.” I grin and whisper at her.

” I’m gonna go dance.” Piper smiles at me and take Brandon’s hand to the living room. Ryan shoots me a genuine smile and walk out of the kitchen leaving just me, Hazel , Leslie and two other drunk girls.

Leslie sighs and turn to look at me.

” Dude, you’re pregnant , you’re not supposed to be drinking.” I whisper close to her to taunt her.

” What’s that supposed to mean ?”

” It means you’re expecting a baby and you don’t even remember.”

She scoffs and bites her bottom lip furiously.

” I like the fact that you’re hurt. You always enjoy making me feel bad because you’re little miss perfect. You always find joy in hurting me because my pains are like music to you. Now look at you , karma fucked you real hard. I wonder what’s gonna happen if I decides to tell our parents.” I taunt her.

” I don’t really know what you want with me.”

” Bitch , you’re a looser and I will never want anything from you.” I scoff and slam my glass on the counter.

” Why don’t you tell mom you’re pregnant.” I suggest and smirk at her.

” Being pregnant doesn’t mean you’re better than me.” She says through clench teeth.

” Yeah ? It means you’re a looser. You don’t even know what you want. Since you couldn’t get Gray to look at you , you thought you should make Reid yours. You thought you’re trying to prove a point to the world that you belong. That you can also get a good guy to look at you. Now look at the outcome.”

” Bitch , fuck you and mind your damn business. You’re still a slut anyways.”

” We’ll see to do that.” I smirk at Leslie and walk past her to the living room.

” Come on Ariel , let’s dance.” The guys call out to me as they drag me to the dance floor. I dance to the music and this frat guys won’t stop trying to woo me.

We dance and dance and I could barely feel my feet. I scurry outside the frat house to catch my breath. My phone buzz in my pocket and i shove it out. It’s a text message from Alexa. Alexa ? I tap on the message to view it.

It reads.’ hey cuz , are you busy ? We need to talk. Meet me at school’s parking lot , ASAP.’

School’s lot. But then why’s she not at frat instead ?


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