Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 111 – 120


I turn to sit on my side and kiss him deeply. His tongues move against mine and our lips keep up the pace. He taste like mint and cigarette mix together. He bites my bottom lip and rubs his hand down my back.

” You’re so beautiful.” He mutters in my mouth after we pull from the kiss. I shut my eyes and lean my forehead on his.

” Come on.” He grabs my waist and pull me to my feet. He lifts me up easily and toss me on his shoulder. I giggle as he walks up the steps.

He twists his doorknob and opens his door. He walks in and shut the door with his foot and lay me on his bed. I lay on my back close to Gray as I watch the ceiling.

” So why did you wanna see Alexa ?”

I blink my eyes and turn to my side so that both my hands are under my cheek.

” I saw her with Vladimir.”

” What ? How come you’re just telling me this ?” Gray asks , little less surprised as he looks at me. I sigh and lay on top of him. My legs are on either side of him and my head rests on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat.

” I’m sorry. I wanted to be sure about whatever thing i saw. Yesterday , she left school rather too early. She said she is meeting up with someone. Surprisingly , I saw her getting out of a car with Vladimir and they are about entering Sin’s kitchen. They look normal like they’ve known each other for ages.” I explain.

Gray caresses my hair down my back and he’s not saying a word.

” And she text you to meet her at school’s park ?”

” Yeah. It’s weird. I’ve been calling her number since yesterday and at first she didn’t pick up the call. Afterwards, it went straight to voicemail. Sounds weird right ? I think something is wrong.”

” She dated Vladimir I think.”

” What ?” I exclaim and raise my head to look at his face.

” I don’t really know. She was his mistress or maybe girlfriend. They attend a party at Las Vegas and that was my first time in seeing her. If you saw her with Vladimir then it means one thing . Maybe Vladimir is using her to get to me through you.”

” So when is this Vladimir gonna end ? Seriously , I’m tired of running. Running from things that you have the solution to.”

” It’s not that easy.”

” Really ?” I ask and chuckle dryly.” Gray you took his deal that’s supposed to give him a billion dollars. You have more than a billion dollars in your account why not pay him off to leave me alone if you really care about me.”

” So what makes you think he wants money ?”

” Gray he wants money that’s the reason he’s after me and you.”

Gray shakes his head and sighs.

” Ariel , he wants you not money.”

” You know that’s ridiculous. What do I have to offer him ? Nothing.”

” So who said you won’t be able to offer him something ? You’re a lot Ariel and maybe you don’t know it yet.”

” Then why does he have Alexa ? Why would she text me ?” I ask.

” There are two things Involved, Tinkerbell. It’s either he’s trying to use Alexa against you or maybe he took her. Just breathe , I’m gonna ask Nick and Manny to go check it out. Are you okay now ?”

I breathe in and nod.

” And also I have something to say.”

He blinks his eyes and motion for me to go on.

” Leslie is pregnant and Reid’s responsible.”

” What !”

” Yeah , it’s crazy. He asked her to get rid of it. I overheard their conversation in my house some weeks ago.” I sigh.

” What the fuck. That wasn’t supposed to happen. He met her at a club and they sort of hook up together. I thought it was gonna end there. He got her pregnant , fuck Reid.”

” You knew they had something ?”

” It wasn’t something. Like I said , it was supposed to be a one night stand. Reid doesn’t give a fuck about her , why would she get pregnant for Reid.” Like it was her fault.

” Come here..” he calls out to me and pull me to his build. I lay my head on his shoulder and trail my fingers down his stomach.

” I need to talk to Reid about this.”

” Don’t tell him I told you.” I murmur.

” Why’s that ?”

” It’s annoying to watch you two fight.” I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

” I get it.”


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