I jab my elbow on his ribs and he had to pinch my waist.
” You never gonna change. Antonio is throwing a party for me in his yacht in Canada. You’re coming.”
” I should travel to Canada ?” He asks and for once stop battling with my hair.
He picks his phone and get off the bed. His phone’s not on speaker anymore.
” Mom , I might be busy with work.” He scoffs and slide his hand down his face.
She said something on the phone but I didn’t hear a thing. Gray looks vexed and maybe bored.
” Yeah. I get it. Stop making me feel emotional with your continuous rambling reminding me that Damon is better and he would never complain about your birthday. I’m gonna be there. Bye and I’ll call you back.” He groans and hangs up.
I pull my knees to my chest and look at Gray.
” That was rude. You sound so annoying on the phone.”
” You won’t understand.”
” Yeah , your usual phrase. She sounds bitter like she misses her son. You were being hard on her and making her regret why she had to call you to force you to her birthday.” I smile at him.
He drops his phone on the nightstand and sit next to me on the bed. His hands go behind my back to wrap around my shoulders. He pull me to himself and kisses my temple.
” Maybe I was an asshole to her.”
” A big time asshole. You should have listen to the desperation in her voice. I think it’s been long since she last saw you.”
He rolls his eyes and lay his head on my laps. His black locks spread to every corner. I run my fingers through his hair and watch how his eyes flutter shut with every touch.
” She’s married to some wealthy man. She’s supposed to be okay. Precise I’m always busy and I can’t always check on her.”
” You’re the only family left of her and you know that. I really haven’t seen her and it’s funny I already liked her.” I say.
He chuckles and nod slightly on my laps.
” She’s cool but sometimes a crackhead. She’s kinda hard on me sometimes when I was growing up.”
” What was Damon like ?”
He takes in a deep breath and shut his eyes. His eyelashes are perfect and even fuller than mine. His eyes slowly parts and they meet mine.
” He wasn’t bad. Always close to mom. I’m closest to my dad. We would work together and all that bullshit.”
” Yeah ?”
He nods again. ” Kennedy looks just like him. Except for attitude. He hates being aggressive and doesn’t like to fight. I think I was the rebel. Got into countless fights when I was thirteen and I got kicked out of so many highschools. Shit..” He chuckles and I laugh at his funny story. He is sure like Kennedy. She got her fierce attitude from Gray.
” You’re one hell of a kid when growing up.”
” Yeah.” He sighs and bites his bottom lip.
” Gray…” Kennedy calls out as she knocks on the door before opening.
She giggles and run into his room with her little purple swimsuits. I forgot there’s a swimming pool in his room.
” Yeesss.” She squeals and get inside the water.
Gray sits up from my lap and cuss.
” Kennedy really. There’s a pool outside the house.”
” Yeah ?” She grins and shake her hair.
” Maybe you should talk to the architect never to build a pool inside a bedroom. I’m never getting out. Hi Ariel , wanna join me ?” She winks.
I laugh and shake my head .
” What a kid.” Gray mutters and lay back on my laps.
” Your room looks like a hotel, especially with a swimming pool in it.” Kennedy says.
” How did you know what’s a hotel like ? Did Jhene take you to one ?” Gray asks and I swat his arms.
” Really , Gray. It’s in the TV. A television.” She groans and begins splashing water on herself.
” Don’t splash water on my room.” Gray whines. I love how both of them reacts. It’s cute to watch.
” Whatever. I feel like I’m in the beach. Hey , Gray, won’t you take Ariel and I to the beach ?” She asks and bob her head on the water.
” No Kennedy.” Gray replies. He’s frustrated.
” You’re always mean. Don’t worry Ariel. When I turn fifteen we’re always gonna hang out. We’re gonna go to the beach and sleep at the spa just trying to look glamorous.” Gray looks up at me. I smirk at him as he turns his head to look at Kennedy who’s swimming.
” Fuck..”
” Gray I heard that. My five dollar.” She demands and swim close to the deck.
” For what ?”
” For cursing.” I say as Kennedy gives me a thumbs up.
” Fuck..”
” That makes it ten.”
Gray rolls his eyes and playfully glares at me.
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