What are all these feelings. Is this what people call love ? Her eyes lock with mine and just that makes my heart skip. The way she looks at me. I tuck back her loose strands of hair behind her ear and lean closer to take her lips in mine and maybe tell her how I love her. Even if I don’t know what that means but she gave me the meaning of love.
Someone throws a popcorn at me as we turn to look at that intruder.
” Kennedy.”
” God , you guys have been standing there like forever with your endless staring competition. Why don’t you kiss her already and tell how you feel….”
What the !
. That’s so embarrassing. Gray and I pull away from each other and I rub my nape. Most people look at us and go back to their business murmuring amongst themselves.
” How was your ride ?” I ask her and squat to her height.
” It was fun.”
” Who bought you popcorn ?” Gray asks looking down at her.
” I bought it. From my cursing savings if you choose to ask.” She rolls her eyes and stuff her mouth filled with popcorns.
” How long have you been standing there ?” Gray asks.
” Long enough to count the stars in one night. You should see your faces. Chill , you look cute.” She giggles.
I blush and eat my cotton candy.
” Want some ?” I ask Gray.
” Hell no.” He whines and shove his hands into his front pocket.
” Come on buddy , you don’t wanna turn my offer down.” I whisper to his ear. He groans and open his mouth for me to stuff cotton candy in it.
” This taste terrible.” He mutters , chewing the candy.
” Or maybe you’re terrible.” I kiss his cheek and turn to look at Kennedy who’s grinning at us.
Weird kid.
” Come on. Let’s play a game. I wanna ride a car.” Kennedy says.
” A racing game ?”
She nods and grab my wrist as she starts walking. I turn around to look at Gray. He frowns and shrugs before following us. Kennedy was serious. She paid for a racing game and I’m her opponent.
” Let’s see what you got Peterson.” She chuckles evilly handling her game pad. First thing , how did she know my last name ?
” How did you know my last name ?” I ask her.
” Don’t mess with the boss. Game’s starting.”
I cuss and look back at my game. How am i supposed to play a car racing game ? I only play Xbox and I’m terrible at it. Gray chuckles behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist to take my pad.
” You play video games ?” I ask him as I watch him handle my pad.
He just laughs and kiss my hair.
” Ariel , you’re cheating. You shouldn’t let Gray play for you.”
” Seriously , she’s my girl and I can help her. You know she’s gonna loose terribly.” Gray says.
I lean into his chest and watch the two cars race on the game screen. Kennedy is such a gamer. She maneuver her car to hit mine but Gray was better. He chuckles and increase the speed till we get to the finish line. I squeal and scrunch my face at Kennedy who lost.
” You didn’t win you know that right ?” Kennedy scrunch her nose and cross her arms.
Gray drops the pad and wrap his strong arms around my waist to pull me to him. He chuckles against my hair and kiss my temple.
” Kennedy , admit. We won.” Gray says.
” You shouldn’t have helped her. Let’s play another game. Gray , don’t help her.” Kennedy warns.
Gray laughs and nods. ” Yes , boss.”
We paid for another game and it’s a fighting game. I breathe in because as usual I’m terrible. Gray’s still behind me , with his arms around my waist. For real , he didn’t help but watch me get beaten by Kennedy.
” You’re going down..” She cackles and controls her avatar to beat the shit out of mine.
” Gray can you just help ?” I call out , cause I’m already loosing.
” Don’t you dare , Jamal.” Kennedy grins.
” I fuckin hate that name.” He whines and lean his head on my shoulders.
” You owe me one dollar.” Kennedy tells him , still kicking my ass. She won at first round and I’m already infuriated.
” Fuck , babe. You’re terrible.” Gray laughs behind me.
” Ten dollars Gray.” Kennedy said to Gray.
” Shit.” He cuss and shove out the money and give it to Kennedy.
” That’s a lot. That means I’m free to swear as I want through out today. Fuckin hell.” He huffs behind me.
I laugh as Kennedy takes the money. Round two begins and I’m just playing shit. Gray place his hands on mine and help me control it.
” That’s cheating.”
” Breathe , Kennedy. You’re a game freak and you’ll always win.” I can feel the humor in his voice. I bet he smirk too.
” Yo ..” I giggles as we team up together to beat up Kennedy’s avatar.
” Fuck..” she exclaims once she lost.
” My ten dollars.” Gray said to Kennedy as he drops the pad.
” Why ?”
” You said ‘fuck’ Kenny. And that’s inappropriate for a seven year old. Ten dollars please..”
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