We stay quiet for seconds and then minutes as the ride keep on turning.
” Gray’s so lucky to have you , you know. You’re pretty and really nice. I wanna be your bride’s maid at your wedding.” She says and i freeze.
Marriage ?
I’m not even ready for the wedding and she’s talking about marriage.
I gulp and wrap my arms around her little figure as she leans into me. The ride halts after it’s death ride and we alight from the ride. Gray’s nowhere to be seen.
” Where’s Gray ?”
” Maybe around to get us ice cream.” She beams and begins walking. She turns around and motion for me to follow her.
I sigh and follow her. I see Gray holding two cups of ice cream. Obviously, he doesn’t like the idea because people won’t stop ogling at him. He’s just too perfect.
” Hey.” He kisses my temple and give us the ice cream.
” Thank you.” I smile at my cup and look up at him. His grey orbs lights in amusement and he sighs.
” Enjoyed your ride ?” He asks.
” Yeah. It was fun. You missed.” Kennedy says and we laugh.
” Come on , let’s get you home.”
” Hold on. Lemme play my last game. It’s awesome.” She squeaks and run to a booth.
” Fuck..” Gray mutters.
” Seriously. You gotta get used to it.” I wink at him and begin eating my ice cream. He lazily strides beside me with his hands stuck in his pockets.
” Yeah , I wanna shoot.” Kennedy whines to the man at the booth. It’s a shooting game. There about ten plastic toy horses on the strings in his booth.
” You’re not supposed to be shooting a gun.” The man say to her. He lifts his head and meet eyes with Gray.
” Um… Kennedy , maybe we should get you to a better game booth. You shouldn’t shoot today.” I smile and pat Kennedy’s hair.
” But why ?”
” Because , you’re too young to shoot a gun.” Gray says through gritted teeth. ” Come on. We should get you home.” He takes her little hand in his and lead her away from the booth.
” Kennedy why would you wanna shoot a gun ?” Gray ask her.
She ignores him and snatch her hand from his to hold mine. I smile faintly and hold her hands firmly.
” Can i play another last game before we leave ? I’m going to my mom’s remember.” She pouts and pucker her lips. Nobody would resist that.
” Fine.” Gray groans and sighs. He rolls his eyes and Kennedy rush to a game booth.
We stay behind and watch her with the other kids.
” Kids are so hard sometimes. Can’t imagine having one right now.” He mutters and sigh.
” It’s gonna be cute you know. Changing diapers.” I nudge him and chuckle.
” That shit ain’t cute. It’s just stressful.”
I roll my eyes and cross my arms. Literally , he’s telling me he doesn’t want kids. What am I expecting ? For heaven’s sake , he’s Gray Carter. I don’t even want one anytime soon.
” Hey that’s enough…” We heard chattering from Kennedy’s game booth.
I throw my ice cream cup in a trashcan as we hurry to the noise. Oh my God.
” Kennedy..” Gray groans and try to stop her. She just got into a fight with an older girl , probably ten years old. Kid’s nose is already bleeding.
” Come on.” I take Kennedy’s hand and lead her away from the fight. Gray apologise to the kid’s parent and he had to give her some money. Buddy’s pissed and really tired.
We walk back to his car as we stare at Kennedy. She doesn’t even look bothered.
” I wanna watch a movie.” She breaks the silence.
” Kennedy you just fought someone.” Gray says.
” I broke her nose actually.”
” And you’re prideful about it ? What’s your problem ? You just beat up a ten year old kid if I’m not mistaking.”
” I still wanna watch a movie.” She whines.
” Get in the car.” He orders and open the backseat for her.
She whines and get in. Gray slam the door shut and I quickly slide into the passenger seat before he reaches to open mine. He rolls his eyes and get in the driver’s seat.
The ride was intense and Gray looks stressed out , worse still tired.
” Am I gonna watch a movie ?”
” Kennedy , not today. You should stop being violent. You almost killed that kid.” I say.
” Ugly blonde.” She hisses and cross her arms dramatically.
So much for Kennedy. I shove out my phone and call Alexa. It just went straight to voicemail. I type a message on my phone and sent it to her. This is too strange.
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