I watch Jhene help her baby with her bags. She won’t stop glaring at me and it’s totally annoying. What’s her problem ? Yeah , because I’m dating Gray and she couldn’t make him look at her.
I ruffle Kennedy’s hair and smile at her before slipping out of her room. I open Gray’s bedroom door and walk in. He sits on his bed with a laptop on his laps and he’s typing. I roll my eyes and shut the door.
” I thought you will stand there forever.” Gray says as I walk to his bed.
” How come you notice everything ? Even the slightest thing ?” I ask and stand in front of him beside the bed.
He chuckles and push the laptop aside from his laps. He grabs my waist and pull me down on his laps.
” Where have you been ?” He whispers into my hair. ” I’ve been looking for you all my life.” He continues , caressing my thighs.
I chuckle at his flirty attempt and smirk at him. He raises his brows and tilts his head to the side waiting for an answer.
” I was right here my prince charming.” I smile and brush his hair off his face.
” You’re such a bad poet.” He laughs. I bite my tongue and jab my elbows on his hard stomach.
” Come on , I’m just joking.” He says and wraps his hand around my waist.
” I’m serious. Where did you go ?” He asks calmly this time. My head rest on his shoulders as I trail my fingers up on his arms that’s curl around my waist.
” I was with Kennedy. You know she’s leaving today.”
” I thought she isn’t leaving. It’s 6pm and Jhene or maybe Meghan isn’t here either.”
” Jhene’s here. She was really mad because she saw me with her kid.”
” What ? Is she fuckin…” He stops as the door swings open. Jhene smiles as she walks in. Her smile turns into a scowl once her eyes settles on me on top of Gray’s laps. What don’t she understand ? She has a baby for Damon , Gray’s older brother. Why can’t she move on ? The idea of Jhene having an affair with Gray before irritates me to the core. I just don’t like her attitude.
” Why didn’t you knock Jhene ? Where are your manners ?” Gray growls at her. She had to smirk and cross her arms.
” I’m sorry , I left them at home.” Jhene shrugs and move her gaze from Gray to me. She had to glare at me.
” Jhene , get out. You should go home and get your manners back.”
She winces and bats her lashes surprisingly. ” I should get out ?”
” Get out and knock.”
She sighs and eyes my form before leaving. She shut the door furiously and knock gently. Clearly she’s embarrassed and angry.
” Why’s she acting all angry ?” I ask and the knock comes again.
” Come in.”
She slowly opens the door and walk in. She bites her bottom lip and close the door.
” We need to talk.” She says and scowls at me. Now I feel like stabbing her eyes with a fork.
” What ? Kennedy’s leaving today. What more do you want to talk about ?”
” Gray it’s private. I don’t get it , I mean you’re acting all weird because of her. You seem to forget I was once your proper girlfriend before she walked in.” Jhene says .
Gray chuckles and caress my back.
” Is that what you wanna talk about ?” He asks.
Jhene rolls her eyes and shove her hands in her pea coat pockets. ” So we can’t talk private ?”
” No. You can say whatever thing you wanna say in front of her.”
” Why did you introduce my kid to your girlfriend ? Even made her Kennedy’s babysitter ? Why would you do that ?”
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