Gray stares at her and stay quiet. I try to pry off his grasp around my hips to get off his laps but Gray won’t let me. He looks down at me and give me his warning eyes.
” Look, I don’t care about you dating her , what I care about is you trying to make my daughter like her. Why would you do that ? She’s your niece and you thought it was a nice idea by introducing your…” She looks me down.” Toys to my kid..” Toys , jeez. I puff out my breath and bite the inside of my cheek.
” Jhene , you should leave. She’s not my toy and you know about it. You need to learn to accept the fact that I’m not interested in you and I’ll never be. She’s my girlfriend. Now get your lame ass out of my room now. I don’t wanna force you to leave , so just get out.” I can feel the anger laced in his voice. He’s angry and it’s obvious he hates to hide it.
Jhene shoves her hands out of her coat pockets and chuckles darkly. She looks at me and nod before turning to twist the doorknob.
” It’s a pleasure talking to you , Mrs Carter.” She gives me a mocking grin and step out of the room. She shuts the door and all I heard is her boots fading away.
I take a deep breath and get off his laps. Thank God , he didn’t stop me this time. I sweep my hand down my hair and turn to look at Gray.
” Why’s she that way ? I thought it wasn’t a relationship.”
” You know it’s not. Why would I date her ? It was just sex. You should understand you’re my first date.”
I roll my eyes and pick up the TV remote to switch on the TV.
” Tinkerbell.”
” Gray , I’m fine. I hate going through this. Jealous exes and whatever thing you wanna call them.” I say and skip through the channels.
Gray scoots close to me and wrap his arms around my waist. His head nuzzles my neck as he inhales me. I giggle at his act and he’s already tickling me.
” Gray , don’t..” I laugh and fall flat on the bed.
” Just please stop.” I laugh as he tickles me endlessly.
I laugh till my ribs hurts. He stops and rest both his hands at the side of my head since he’s on top of me.
” You’re so beautiful.” He smiles and kiss my cheek.
” Jhene isn’t your type and don’t let her be. She’s just a jealous fuck head. We’re cool ?” He muses and licks his bottom lip. Did he have to do that ?
I stare right into his eyes and they are filled with emotions. I nod and wrap my legs around his waist to pull him into me. I run my fingers through his hair and ruffle it. It’s more longer than usual.
” You need a haircut.” I tell him.
” I know. I’ve been too occupied.” He mutters and peck my lips.
” Jamal.” Kennedy knocks on the door before she gently twist the doorknob and opens the door. I can’t believe she’s leaving today and I’m already missing her.
I bet Jhene won’t be bringing her back.
” Busy ?” She smirks and cocks her brows at our position.
” Uh..” I gently push Gray off my body. He groans and sit up.
” You’re leaving ?” I ask as Gray get off the bed.
” Yeah. I don’t wanna go.”
” You’ll be back soon.” Gray tells her.
” Mom doesn’t like Ariel. What if she refuses to bring me back ?”
Gray smiles and squat to her height. ” Then I’ll get a lawyer.” He winks at her and caresses her hair.
” You wanna send my mom to jail or what ?” Kennedy inquires.
” You know I won’t do that. Come on , let’s walk you out.” Gray stands up and take her hands as they walk to the door.
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