Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 121 – 130


I get out of bed and follow them downstairs. Kennedy thought it was nice to start singing one of her favorite Disney songs.

” Thank God you’re leaving. I’ve been trying to survive your terrible singing.” Gray mutters still holding to her wrists.

” What type of uncle are you ? You’re supposed to be helpful and encouraging. Right Ariel ?” She asks and turns her head to look at me.

” She’s right Jamal. Kennedy is one of the best vocal singer I’ve ever heard.”

” So much for lying.” Gray chuckles.

Kennedy snatch her hands from Gray’s grip and pinch his arm.

” Woah..” He exclaims. But Kennedy is already gone.

I laugh and almost choke on my laugh. Gray turns around and playfully glare at me.

” Don’t even think about it.” I smirk and roll my eyes as I walk past him. He grabs my arm and pull me back gently pinning me against the wall.

” Don’t even think about what ?” He smirks and leans his head close to my ears. We’re right at the stairs and anyone might walk in.

” Gray. Not here.”

” I own this house and I have every right to touch you anywhere I want.” He smirks and slowly rubs his hands up my expose thighs because I’m wearing his t-shirt and just panties. ” You’re so fuckin pretty..” He says and runs his hand up my thighs to my butt.

He kisses my neck and grab my ass. I moan. Kennedy’s waiting for us downstairs and we’re here making out. Gray snap my panties against my skin and move back to stare at my face.

” Pretty villain.” He smirks and turns to climb down the stairs.

I breathe out and climb down the stairs too. Gray’s arguing with Kennedy again. I walk into the living room and I’m faced with Meghan and Jhene. Meghan , again. She smirks and chew her gum as she winks at me. Seriously.

” I’m gonna miss Ariel and not you. You sedated me , remember.” Kennedy whines.

” Gray why would you do that ?” Jhene asks.

” You becareful okay. If your mommy acts crazy you call me and I’ll come get you. Okay.” Gray says.

” Yeah. Bye Ariel.” She runs to my figure and i had to squat a little considering I’m with just t-shirt. Kennedy pecks my cheek and wave at me before she go back to her mom.

Jhene glares at me and walk out with Kennedy in her hand.

” Meghan.” Gray calls her as he watches her. She tense and sighs.

” I’m sorry I fucked up. I really miss my job and everything. I thought she was one of this bitches , but it’s obvious she’s different.” Meghan sighs and turns to look at me.

” I’m just gonna leave.” She says.

” Sure.” Gray replies flatly as Meghan walks out.

I fiddle with my fingers and look at Gray. He smirks and walk to my build. I giggle when his hands wrap around my waist to lift me up. My legs are wrapped around his waist as my arms drape around his neck.

” I miss her already.” I whine as he takes the stairs.

” I know. Me too. She reminds me of Damon.”

His hands hold tight to my waist as we walk to his room. I look so little compared to this man. He opens his door with one hand and shut it. He walks to his bed and place on the bed close to the edge. He caresses my stomach and push the t-shirt I’m wearing up. I giggle as he pecks my cheek.

” Gray , don’t.”

” Don’t what ?” He whispers and lean closer to me. His growing bulge press gently against me as he raises his brows.

” We should talk.”

” Alexa ? Nick followed you to the hospital and he told me everything. I think Vladimir shot her because of you or probably me.”

” Why do you always have people escort me around town ?” I ask.

” Because , you’re my princess.” He says and kisses my chest to my already hard nipples and he had to bite it. I exclaim and squirm out of his hold.

” You’re such a jerk.” I chuckle and scrunch my face at him.

” Your cute jerk.” He grabs both my legs and pull me to himself.

” I didn’t get to taste you today.” He says and play with the waistline of my panties.


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