Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 131 – 140


With Blue on Alexa’s lap, we drive to school after breakfast and Alexa won’t stop singing to the song playing from the radio. I park my car at school’s lot and we step out of my car. Attention. Most students who were chattering at school’s lot turn to look at us. They still aren’t used to the fact that I’m driving a Ferrari.

I shut the door as Alexa flip her hair stylishly as we walk into school. Who cares to look , looked as we walk past students.

” You can’t believe I brought no books.” Alexa mutters loudly for me to hear.

I chuckle and shake my head at her.

” Oh my God. Is that Alexa ?” Brandon squeal attracting other students on the hallway.

I smile and roll my eyes as Brandon and Piper hug her. She winces a bit as they pull from her.

” I’m sorry.” They flinch and pout. Alexa shrugs and smiles.

” It’s fine guys. Let’s get out of here.” We laugh and walk to our first class.


We settle on our usual booth at Sands & winches. Piper and I sit across from Brandon and Alexa. Jay , a real cute nerdy waiter walks to our booth to take our orders. I think he has a huge crush on Alexa. He takes our orders and leave.

” Haven’t you noticed the way Jay looks at you ?” Brandon starts a conversation and points his chin to Alexa who’s caressing Blue. She huffs and rolls her eyes.

” I don’t do nerds.” Alexa grimaces.

” Talking of nerds , Piper took Jamie’s Virginity.” I say and grin.

” What the f**k. b***h.” Alexa smirks at Piper and she blushes.

” Give me details now.” Alexa winks at Piper. Brandon and I stare at each other and chuckle.

” Jeez. He was shy when I wanted to give him a BJ. Then later he confessed he had never slept with any girl before and he was nervous…” I roll my eyes and look around the restaurant.

” f**k , it was great. Jamie is a mega piece even if he’s a nerd.” Piper ends her story.

” So you’re in love ?” Alexa asks. I reach to take Blue from her and she willingly give her to me.

” No , but I really like Jamie. There’s a family dinner at his family house on Thursday and I’m coming with him.”

” No way.”

” I don’t have a choice. You guys know how I hate family bullsh*t. I don’t want him to feel bad.” Piper says and shrugs.

” So how are you Alexa ?” Brandon asks. ” What happened ? I heard that you went missing yesterday.”

” Yeah.” Alexa sighs as the waiter walks in and place our items on the table. He shoots a warm smile to Alexa before leaving. I bet Alexa didn’t notice that.

Alexa go on explaining to them how that Russian man tried to kill her by injecting her. I slurp my Sprite noisely and listen.

” f**k. What’s wrong with this Vladimir guy ?” Piper mutters as she eats her Pizza.

” What if he comes back ?” Brandon ask.

” He won’t.” Alexa shrugs keeping Gray out of it and I was grateful. They really don’t know I’m the reason she was shot. She skipped that part.

” You know I thought you’ve really slip into coma , that would have been bad.” Piper says.

” I can’t believe that b***h doctor made it look like a coma. A f**kin coma. It wasn’t even a machine gun.” Alexa says and we laugh.

” Okay let’s say , they were the one who was exaggerating things because they were scared. I knew you were unconscious but the guys were scared. Thought you were in coma.” Brandon says.

” Hell no. I sometimes hear muffle chatters in my head but I barely could pick out the words. It’s like a sleep paralysis. I wanna wake up but my brain won’t connect to my body. So much for being shot.” Alexa explains.

My phone buzz and I take it out of my bag. I swipe the screen and see it’s a message from Gray. After that conversation with Freddie in Molly’s , he hasn’t texted me or even call. Most times I wonder what Gray must have threatened him about.

FROM GRAY; Drop by at my place ?

I chuckle. That’s certainly not a question, it’s an order.


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