Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 131 – 140


Leslie doesn’t look okay. She looks like she’s been crying. Her knees her pull up to her chest with her arms around her knees.

” Why don’t you mind your business.” Leslie says through gritted teeth.

” Damn , you’re already famous on Snapchat.”

” You uploaded that ?” Hazel asks.

” Yeah. You have issues with that ?” Alexa asks.

” You’re so annoying. I mean why would you do that ?”

” I don’t know. Maybe I just thought it’s a nice idea to let the world laugh at you.” Alexa says calmly. She points at Leslie and burst into squeals of laughter. This is so embarrassing.

” Why are you here in the first place ?” Leslie asks.

” f**k you.” Alexa spits and pick up the TV remote. She cross her legs and tune the television.

I sigh and go to my room. I’m really exhausted right now and what I want is a good sleep and maybe a massage. I quickly shower and clean myself off the water. I open my closet and decide against skirt and dress. I put on a black flay dress with sleeves and white collar. It drop on top of my knees as I step inside my flats. I brush my hair and curl it. I stare at my reflection and sigh. I comb the curls and it turns to waves. I smile at my reflection and pick up my bag. I walk back to the living room and stop in my track. Alexa is exchanging words with Leslie.

” Jesus , Alexa. Let’s get out of here.” I grab Alexa’s elbow and drag her out of the apartment.

She breathes in once we step inside the elevator and brush her black hair off her face.

” What was that all about ?” I ask.

” She’s a hoe.” Alexa replies and scoffs.

” She’s so f**kin lucky. If not for this stupid bullet wound , I would have beat her up so bad.” She sighs.

Blue whimpers on the floor. I bent down and pick her up as I caress her.

“I’m really sorry about that.” I say. She nods and tuck her loose strands behind her ear. We walk out of the elevator and slide into my car.

I drop her off at the hospital and she ask me to leave that she’ll be fine and she’ll hail a cab. I give her Blue and leave. I ignite the engine and start driving. 10 minutes later , I arrive at Sterling Corp. Now I’m nervous. What am I supposed to tell him ? I remember his coffee and drive back to the Cafe to get it. Thank God , there’s no que. I paid for his espresso and walk back to my car.

I pull my car close to other cars and step out. I rush into the building and greet the lady at the reception. She reply as I walk past her. Most workers stare at me for some awkward reasons but I’m sure it’s because of my outfit.

” Hey , there.” The manager greets as she stands in front of me.

” Hi. Good afternoon.”

She smiles weirdly and nod.

” I like your dress. Where did you get it ?” She ask.

” At the store.”

” What store ?” I roll my eyes at her ridiculous question as i walk past her.

“Sleeping with Gray Carter shouldn’t make you feel special. You’re still a slut.” I hear the manager mutters.

I bite my tongue and breathe in. I’m not gonna reply that. I take the elevator and press Theo’s floor button. I lean against the wall and wait till it ascend. It stops and the doors slide open. I drop my bag on my desk and knock on his door.

” Who’s there ? Whatever just come in.” He says from inside.

I open the door slowly and walk inside. I shut the door and turn to face him. He has a visitor and they seems to notice my presence cause they stop talking. Both men turn around as I stare at Freddie. What’s he doing here ?

” Miss Peterson.” Theo looks down at me. I gulp and shift my gaze to Freddie who won’t stop looking at me.

” I’m sorry.” That’s the first word that escape from my mouth.

” Wait outside.” Theo says and dismiss me. I nod and drop the coffee on his desk.


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