” Why would you say that ? What if I go to the CIA or maybe the SWAT team and tell them popular Gray Carter is a Mafia boss and he’s involved with narcotics. What you gonna do Gray ?”
He push himself from the wall and walk slowly to my form. He stops in front of me and we’re so close. He raise his hands and tuck my loose strands of hair behind my ear. His forefinger seduce my neck with it’s slow trails. Gray lifts my chin to look at him.
” You won’t.”
” Why so confident ?” I ask. I really wanna hear him say it. Tell me he’s gonna shoot me like his father.
” Because you care so much about me and you don’t wanna admit it. You love me , Ariel.”
I swat his hand off my chin and glare at him.
” I’m gonna call the cops and tell them that you’re a criminal.” I say.
” Why are you doing this ? Why are you trying to step on my shoes ?”
” Step on your shoes ? I really wanna see what you can do when I tell on you. Cause I will Gray.”
He takes one last step and we’re breathing the same air.
” I dare you Ariel.”
” You know I will.”
” Then I will fuckin kill you.” He says with so much seriousness that my heart forgets to beat.
He shuts his eyes and opens them. He looks weak and crowded with lots of emotions.
” You know I will never hurt you. I love you too much to try.” He says with lots of emotions.
” Don’t you care about your father ? Is it even worth it ?” I inquire.
” Yes.”
Jesus , he’s obviously a psychopath. He needs to visit a therapist.
I turn around and cross my arms. ” I need a break , Gray.” I bite my lip to stop me from crying. I made sure my voice doesn’t fail me.
I continue when he didn’t answer.” We need a break. I need time and space to process everything and I want you to grant me that request. I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re scared of. But I wanna be far from you for now. I need to breathe properly. This is too much to handle. I’m tired of being bait to blood thirsty criminals who want you dead and I want you to leave me alone for now. Please.”
I hear him sigh behind me. I don’t really know what I did but I just wanna be away from him. I don’t know when ,but, I’m not sure I’m getting on with him anytime soon.
” You’re breaking up with me ?” He asks. His voice so quiet and calm.
” Call it whatever thing you want Gray. I wanna be far from you. Far away from your mess. Far away from your world. I don’t wanna be in the middle of your crimes. Gray I can’t handle them. I really love you but I can’t. This is too much for me to handle. We need a break , Gray.” I turn to look at him. He looks so cold without emotions.
” Okay.” That was his last statement as he leaves…
” You fuckin did what !” Alexa shouts.
She just returned from where ever place she went to and I told her what happened.
” You broke up with him ? Why would you do that ?”
” I didn’t break up with him. I just needed a break.”
” So what’s the difference ?”
” There’s a difference. I still love him but I can’t fit into his lifestyle. It’s too much for me to handle. How long will I stop running ?” I sigh and run my palms down my arms.
” Running ? Ariel , you just hurt his feelings , you broke him.”
” You’re not getting it Alexa. I can’t keep up with this dangerous side of Gray. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me , yes but….”
” You can’t accept his dark past and his dark world huh ?” Alexa asks and cross her arms. She chuckles and bites her bottom lip.
” I don’t mean to sound annoying, but you should stop being the hero here. Don’t try to be the good girl who’s trying to tame the bad guy. Why can’t you accept him for who he is and love him with your whole life. Why do you want the bad guy to change for you when you can actually love him with all his flaws. I believe partners stick together and fight and not run away like cowards.”
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