I really don’t wanna talk about Gray right now and they are not ready to drop it.
” Yes.” I say with a tight lip smile.
They smiles and nods.
Thankfully Brandon talks about school and I am grateful. We talked about winter and also Christmas even if it’s far. The semester is almost coming to an end. My phone beeps and it’s a text message from my mom. She said she’s coming over tomorrow and she really wants to speak to us. Same pregnancy rumor.
We scatter around the couches in the living room as we watch pretty little liars.
” So who do you think it’s A ?” Piper asks as she stuff her mouth with popcorns.
” Maybe some weirdo who decides not to show his identity. But seriously who do you think it’s A ?” I ask and look among the guys. Brandon huffs at our disturbance and he dramatically shoots himself.
” Guys , please let’s watch in silence.” Alexa shush us.
Piper and I roll our eyes same time. We turn to look at each other as we laugh.
” Really.” Brandon speaks.
We zip our mouths and pretend to throw away an imaginary key. I curl my legs and watch the series in silence. My mind drift to Gray again. Why’s relationship always complicated. I wanna run into his arms and hug him and hold him alnight but I guess I’m restricted. We watch the series till I fall asleep.
” So we’re gonna need sexy little bikinis and some lotions and sunscreen. That’s a must. I planned on shopping for new clothes once we reach Miami.” I hear Alexa’s voice.
I open my eyes and it’s morning. I’m the only one still sleeping.
” Oh , she’s awake.” Alexa says as they turn to look at me.
I run my fingers through my hair. ” God , morning guys.”
” Morning sunshine. I think your mom called.” Brandon says.
” Oh God.” I think she’s already on her way the apartment.
” Thanks , Brandon. Alex , do you have any extra toothbrush.”
” Sure. There’s a bathroom down the hall. You’ll find one there.”
I smile and nod. I pick up my phone and turn to walk down the hallway.
” Do you think she’s okay ?” I hear Piper asks.
” Yeah.” Alexa replies.
I sigh and shake my head. I open the door to the bathroom and shut it. What’s Gray doing to me ? I lean both my hands on the edge of the washbowl and stare at my reflection on the mirror. I go through my missed calls and Gray didn’t call. Part of me liked the fact that he respected my decision. The other part hated the fact that he didn’t call. Truth is i expected him to call. I spread toothpaste on my brush and begin brushing my teeth. I wash my face when I’m through and my phone starts to ring.
I groan. I pick up my phone without looking at the dialer as I press it against my ear.
” Mom , I’ll be home soon.”
” Mom ?” I freeze at the voice. I bite my tongue and blame my inner self for being so attached to him.
” Gray.”
” Tinkerbell.” He sighs on the phone.
My heart drop to my feet and I literally can’t think. I mean yesterday , I told him i wanted a break and he gave me the worst reply ever. OKAY.
” I missed you.” He mutters after a long silence. I look down at my fingers and look up at the mirror. I missed him too. I really wanna tell him that i missed him so badly and I wish he could adore my neck with lines of kisses and whisper his promises to my ears. But I didn’t tell him.
” Thanks.” I say.
He chuckles tiredly on the phone.
” You’re welcome.”
” Gray , look , I’m really sorry about how I spoke yesterday. But , I meant what i said. I wanna stay away from you.”
” I bet you’re doing just that. You’re not around me.” He says sarcastically. I blush and brush my hair with my palm.
” Gray stop joking about. I need to be far from you so i can think.” True. I can’t seem to think around him. He has stolen my senses and I can’t just avoid him.
” Okay. Have fun in Miami.” He says and before I can reply, he hangs up.
I sigh and go back to the living room. Piper and Brandon were cooking.
” Oh here you’re. We were thinking on where to stay for the weekend. I suggested a beach house but Piper thought maybe a suite will be better.”
” A beach house is expensive , Alexa.”
” I don’t fuckin care. I need to make sure we have fun.”
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