Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 161 – 170



” Okay, can someone tell me why you guys left the restaurant just like that ?” Piper asks from the back seat of the car as we drive to the store.

Brandon cross his arms as they stare at us. Yeah , that was a bit weird. I couldn’t even look into his eyes because they were just looking into my soul. His eyes spark in recognition and a glint of emotions that I barely could decipher. I look at Alexa as she turns to look at me. She smiles awkwardly and shrugs as she steers the wheel like a maniac she is. She’s obviously a crackhead driver like Gray.

” Some weirdo was staring at us awkwardly , so we had to leave.” Alexa answers.


” Some weirdo ? Staring ? I mean why ?” Piper asks.

” I don’t know. They look wealthy and unpredictable. We weren’t ready for any shitty games and we left.”

” What shitty game ?” Brandon asks this time.

” I don’t know guys. They look weird.” Alexa answers and exhales.

” What’s up with your restroom hookup ?” I change the topic. I look at Piper through the rearview mirror and her cheek already flush. She rolls her eyes and bites her lip.

Brandon chuckles and look out the window.

” Sup Piper..” Alexa calls out and grins at her through the rearview mirror.

” Okay , fine. We did nothing cause I freaked out at his boner. Fuckin hell. He wanted us to hook up this Sunday and I actually thought about what Ariel said…”

” What did I say ?” I smirk and turn around to look at her.

She sighs.” Jamie.” She slyly smiles and pick on her nails.

” I thought you said you’re not In love with Jamie.” Brandon retorts.

I chuckle with Alexa.

” I know okay. But we’re literally in a relationship and it’s unfair to cheat.”

” How come you didn’t thought about that before running after his boner to the restroom ?” Alexa asks.

” Shut up , you advised me.” Piper huffs and rolls her eyes.

” Yeah , yeah, you said you wanted a weekend hookup and i talk you in. I see nothing wrong with that.” Alexa defends and dance to Justin Bieber’s ‘Intentions.’ playing slowly from the stereo.

” Dumbfuck..” Piper hisses and scowls at Alexa.

” Whatever. You’re still hanging out with him this weekend. You horny fucker.” Brandon says and we laugh.

” Seriously , I thought this Miami weekend is for us. Like no hook-ups or weekend sex.” I say.

” Boom. Piper didn’t thought about that.” Alexa says as she sway to the song.

” Okay , can someone tell Alexa to put her hand on the damn wheel. Bitch the speed is deadly and I’m too young to die.” Piper says.

Alexa squeals and throws her hands in the air.

” Alexa , hands on wheel please.” I tell her.

” Whatever, scaredy cats.” She says and slow down the car. She parks the car in front of the store as we get out. Alexa pushes a button and the sunroof closes.

I look around the busy city. The tall buildings and fancy cars. This looks like New York. She gives the valet man the key and we walk in. Dresses on mannequins decorates the store. A tall brown skinned girl walks to us as she greets politely. She leads us to a closet covered with dresses. Piper giggles with Alexa as they scamper through the wares.

I roll my eyes and rub my temple. I’m really not in the mood for shopping. That awkward meeting with Sinclair is never getting out of my head anytime soon. I look at my phone for a missed call but I got none. You know it’s funny sometimes I wished Gray would call. Like i always want to call him so that I can listen to his voice. Brandon stuck his hands in his pocket at the end of the store and mutters ‘women’ as he takes a seat.

” Ariel , you ain’t buying ?” Piper asks as she and Alexa turns to look at me.

” Not really. I’m fine guys.” I shove my hands in my hoodie pockets and stalk to Brandon who look busy with his phone.

” Damn.” I breathe out and sit next to him.

” You’re okay ?” He asks.

I sigh and rest my head on his shoulders. I nod slightly and shut my eyes. Maybe I shouldn’t have suggest this weekend Miami trip if i was gonna end up thinking about Gray. I look like a lady whose husband ran away from. Brandon wraps one hand around my shoulders and stroke my hair. I smile and snuggle into him.

” Seriously Ariel.” I hear Alexa’s voice. I puff and and open my eyes.

” I thought we planned to shop together. What’s up with you two ? Brandon did you get a heartbreak ?” Piper asks.

” Fuckin hell. We took a long trip and it has really worn me out.” Brandon answers.

I smile.” Credit card ?”

They scoffs. I open my clutch and give her my credit card. She takes it and drag Alexa to a corner. Brandon and I talk for several minutes and they won’t stop trying out several dresses. Damn, I’m bored. I look down at my phone , not a single call from Gray. Why do i want him to call me so badly. Each time I close my eyes , all i could think of is Gray and just Gray. He has finally turn to my addiction and I can’t get him out of my head. Finally, Alexa returns with Piper with each of them holding three separate bags. Great , I’m going broke.

They grins as she gives me my credit card. I take it and we get up to leave.


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