I snap my fingers at Manny. He brings another chair and a tool box. I take the chair and sit in front of her. I collect a switchblade and smirk at her.
” You’re pretty and I bet you won’t be happy to have a scar. I will spare you if you tell me the truth.”
” I’m telling the truth.”
I nod and trail the blade on her jawline as blood drip from her face. She whimpers and cry. I trail the blade to her ears and blood drip along with each trails.
” Can I cut out one ear ?”
” Please don’t. I don’t know anything. I swear.”
” Alright. Maybe I should cut one ear then.” I trail the knife along her ear as the blade deep into her skin. She let out a loud wail and I stop.
” Are you willing to talk or not ?”
She nods her blood filled face swiftly.
” I’ll tell you what I know. Few months ago , Meghan found out about your underground warehouse through Reid. She drugged him and he told her about it. Painfully, he doesn’t where it is. It seems no one knows about it. She told me you fired her because of your girlfriend and she hated her. She planned to hurt her and make her feel the pains of loosing her job. Reid told her you needed someone and she decides I take her place. He doesn’t know about her plans. So he brought me to you.”
” Why ?” I ask.
” Because she wanted me to continue with whatever plans she had. She found out Vladimir wanted same thing after you took his drug deal. Then she worked with him.”
” Wow..” I laugh and rub my temple. Why are they making a story out of whatever thing that happened between me and that Russian prick. It’s like I stole the deal when he’s the one who sabotaged me in front of the Chinese just so he could get the deal. I had to take back what’s mine.
” About a week ago. Ariel got kidnapped. Who told them I was traveling to Chicago and where to find Ariel.”
” I told Meghan you’re leaving. She’s been keeping an eye on your girl for a long time. She wanted her dead.”
” And the Queen’s attack ? Also the first attack ?”
” It was all Meghan. I never wanted to plan with her. I didn’t have a choice , trust me.” She whimpers and shudders in fear.
” So she used you as a mole to steal informations from me…” I look at her and laugh. This is so hilarious. And Meghan had to manipulate Reid. He’s such a pussy.
” So all this is because of money ?”
” I’m sorry. Please don’t kill me. I’ll never hurt anyone. I just had to do it.”
” And seduce me too.”
” She ask me to seduce you. Maybe you might fall for my seduction and tell me where to find it. I’m really sorry , I didn’t plan to hurt her I swear. Meghan hated her and plan to kill her in order carry on with her plans. She tried to manipulate Reid to kill her but Reid refused.” She says. I nod and stand up.
” Manny go get Meghan. Tell her i got a job for her. If she refuse to come , shoot her….”
I unbutton my dress shirt and shrug it down my arms. I toss it on the couch and undress myself. I saunter to the bathroom and switch on the shower. I stand under the shower with both my hands on the cold wall. The warm water rinse down my skin and all I could think is her. How I fucked up.
How I put her life in danger and how she makes my heart beat with just a smile.
I missed looking at her.
I missed staring at her deep brown eyes, and I missed waking up next to her. I can’t even think about anything else but her.
I badly wanted to stop calling her. Grant her the space she wanted but I can’t. My mind has never been at ease after she told me she wanted to stay away from me.
I clean myself and put on a t-shirt and sweats. I pick up a cigarette and light it. Someone knocks on my door and I order the person in. Reid. Most times he acts like my father, while other times he acts like my nagging boyfriend. But truth is, Reid’s a full straight man. He’s too annoying sometimes and I hate the way he looks at Ariel when no one’s watching. Like he liked her a lot.
” We need to talk.”
” Yeah. You probably need to explain to me why you chose to fuck Meghan.” I scoff and puff out the smoke.
I walk to my bedroom swimming pool and look into the water.
” She’s hot. And we never dated.”
” And she drugged you. Who even told you I’ve got an underground warehouse?”
He chuckles and shoves his hands in his pockets. I didn’t even tell Ariel.
“You claim we’re best friends and you had to lie about that. You couldn’t even tell me. Are we still friends?” He asks.
” Reid , who told you about it?”
” No one. I guessed it and it was even true. What type of friend are you ?”
I turn to look at him and puff the smoke in his face.
” You do some shitty mistakes sometimes. Things like what you did with Meghan are the common reasons I didn’t tell you. I built that has a back up for summit’s future. And you want me to tell you. So you could go out and party with girls like Meghan and let them get you drunk so you could spill out my fortunes. The fuck man. You would have done the same if you were in my shoes. I’m just being careful and not secretive. I have a reason for calling you my closest friend. And that’s because you’ve been for me since i was a boy.” I scoff and inhale the stick.
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