Alexa parks the car in front of the club as we step out of the car.
“This is one of the best clubs in Miami.” She says and starts walking. I look at the parking lot and it’s covered with expensive vehicles.
We step on the club as the loud music attacks my ears. I look around and every corner is covered with leather seats and wealthy men. We find a seat and we sit down. I look around the club for Nick or maybe Toni and Spencer. But there’s no one.
” I’ll go get the drinks.” Brandon says and stands up.
” Have you been here before?” I ask Alexa loudly because of the music. She sways to the rock music and nods.
” You travel a lot.” Piper compliments loudly.
” I’m a freak , I get that a lot.” She giggles.
Brandon returns with shots and a bottle of vodka including three glasses of cocktails. We pick up the shots and throw our heads back to chug down the shots. The liquid burns my throat as I swallow. I pick up a glass of cocktail while the others get wasted on the vodka. I sip slowly and zone out of their conversation as i scan the club. I see Nick. I bet he smirks at me from where he’s sitting with two girls.
We drink and I’m already tipsy. Piper drags us to the dance floor and we dance. We giggles and dance for a long time. I excuse the guys and saunter to the bar. I sit on the stool and lean on the counter. Being drunk is so annoying.
” Fancy meeting you here.” A familiar voice says beside me. I turn to my right and I’m staring at these familiar green orbs.
” Cage.”
” Hi. What are you doing in Miami?”
I sigh and remembered what Alexa said. I wanted to move away from him but i remembered she said Cage isn’t the enemy.
” Vacation.” I reply.
He smiles and orders the attention of the bartender.
” What do you want to drink ?”
” Um…” I sigh and finally answer.”cocktail will do.”
” Just a shot will do for me.” Cage tells him.
The bartender nods and leaves.
” You look beautiful.” He turns around to look at me.
” Thanks. Can I ask a question?”
” Sure.”
” Our first meeting, you said you were looking for me.”
He smirks and nods.” You look familiar.” He says vaguely.
” Seriously.. ” I chuckle. The bartender comes back and give us our drinks.
” Why’s Gray not with you ? I saw his men around the club.”
” Like I said I’m on vacation with my friends.” I say and sip my drink after disposing the Lemon from the rim.
” And I heard that.”
I roll my eyes. The air feels thick and I feel uneasy again. I take out the straw and gulp the drink.
” You’re gonna get drunk , Ariel. You need water?” Cage asks with concern.
” No I’m fine. I’m just gonna go back to my friends.” I turn around to look for my friends. Alexa sits with a guy and i couldn’t see Nick except Spencer or whatever. Piper’s flirting with a guy and she’s drunk. I can’t see Brandon. A guy with a black jacket and jeans walks into the club.
Oh not just a guy. Another guy follows. And another guy follows. Now they are three. All with black jackets.
” Fuck.” I hear Cage mutters.
” What!” I ask above the music.
Cage look alerted all of a sudden. I look back at the party as one of this strangers pulls out a gun and shoot Spencer. That was all it took for the atmosphere to change. The crowds wails and I don’t know i stop thinking. This stranger turns swiftly and our eyes meet.
” Ariel , down now.” Cage orders and drag me down.
Bullets flies to my direction as i panic. What do they want ? Why are they aiming at me. The glasses and bottles at the bar shattered as people screams. At every bullet that’s shot , this strangers approach Cage and i. Nick and Toni shoot back at this strangers and it was deadly to watch. Cage hold tight to my arm and look at me assuringly. Why’s he acting like he knows me or something.
” Come on. Let’s get you to safety.”
” No.” I whimper and look at Nick. He looks busy because they won’t stop ducking and shooting at each other. Nick is already bleeding on his arm as he winces.
I can’t find my voice. I can’t even see properly. Everything’s blurry and the atmosphere is different as people wail and scream. Blood and bodies fill the ground and I can’t see my friends.
Before I could decipher what I’m doing , I’m already leaving the club with Cage.
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