I hug myself as I whimper. Why can’t I live life like every normal adult. Always running from gun men who wants me as captive to get to Gray. It’s almost midnight and I’m inside Cage’s car. We drove out of the club to some isolated area and he parks his car there. At first I thought he was gonna kill me. I still don’t know why he tried to save me.
The tension between us is so thick and I barely can look at me.
” Are you cold ?” He asks.
I swallow and nod. He smiles and turn on the heater of his car.
” Better?”
” Better.” My voice croak out.
” Who were those people?” I ask.
” I don’t know. Maybe gangsters.”
” Why were they after me?”
He chuckles.” Your boyfriend is a dickhead maybe.”
I scoff and look away.
” Look, this always happens as long as you’re a mob. He’s popular, he’s powerful and people like that always attract rivals. Maybe they wanna hurt him and since they can’t hurt him , they have to hurt you to hurt him. They were Russians” He explains.
Same Russians again. I thought since Vladimir is dead , this should be ending.
” Why did you save me ?”
” I don’t know. Considering the fact that I don’t really have a good relationship with Gray.”
” And why ?” I ask and look at him.
” You ask a lot of questions.” He smirks.
I shrug and sigh.” I’m just curious. You could have left me to those gun-men but yet you chose to save me. Thanks though.”
I take a deep breath and pick up my phone to call Alexa again. I’ve been calling since we left the club and they are not picking. I dial Piper’s number and after several rings she picks up.
” Ariel.” Her voice panics on the phone.
” Piper. Are you guys okay ?”
She sounds weak and out of breath on the phone.
” Is that Ariel ?” I hear Alexa’s voice on the phone.
” Ariel….” Alexa says on the phone.
” Where the fuck are you ?” She asks on the phone.
I sigh and turn to look at Cage.
” Cage.”
” Cage ? Come home right away. We need to talk and plan our departure tomorrow morning. Are you safe ? Are you okay ?”
” Yeah. Yeah , I’m fine.”
” Good. We’re waiting.”
I nod slyly and hang up. I exhale sharply and toss my phone on my lap.
” Can you please take me home ?”
” Sure.” He smiles warmly and starts the car.
He drives into the dark night. I feel nervous and a bit scared. I couldn’t call Gray because I wasn’t ready to face him right now. I turn on his radio because I’m badly in need of sound. I lean into his car seat as he speeds into the night. I give him direction to the beach house till we arrive. He parks in front of the gate and I turn to look at him.
” Thanks.” I tell him.
” Goodnight.” He answers.
I open the door and step out. My phone rings in my hand and I look down at the caller ID. I turn and wave at Cage. He smiles warmly at me and drive away. I swipe the answer icon and press the buzzer.
” Who’s there ?” Alexa’s voice asks from the intercom.
” Alexa, it’s Ariel.” I say as the gate opens.
Gray hasn’t said any word to me on the phone. I sniffle gently and walk in.
” Ariel , are you okay ?” His voice says on the phone and that literally melts my heart.
” I’m not fine Gray.” I sob and climb the steps.
” Where you shot? Where are you?”
” I’m safe , I wasn’t shot. Cage saved me.” Maybe that might sound nice to Gray’s ears. There’s a long silence on the phone as I walk into the house.
Brandon , Piper and Alexa turns to look at me at once.
” Cage ? Did he touch you?” Gray yells on the phone.
“Hell. No , he didn’t. He saved me.” I roll my eyes and puff out.
” I’m sorry. I’m sorry for risking your life Ariel. I’m sorry that I hurt you and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to save you.”
I scoff and bite my lip. I’m angry and stressed right now. How am I supposed to act like my life isn’t in danger and just go back to Gray and hug him. Tell him I’m fine with this non-stop shooting. I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do with Gray. No matter what ever drama or risk he puts my life into , I just can’t forget the fact that he barged into my car almost six months ago and he stole my heart along with him.
” Ariel , are you there ?”
” Yeah. I gotta go Gray. Talk later.” I sigh and hang up.
Alexa looks at me as she sighs deeply. Thank God none of them was shot and they are all fine.
” Okay , the silence is done. Someone is telling me what the fuck happened in that club ? Who were those gun-men?” Brandon asks.
I take off my shoes and relax on the couch. I’m not feeling too well and seriously I can’t even feel my feet. These shooting incidents are not leaving my head anytime soon. The bloods are too much.
” Alexa.” Piper calls out, motioning to us for an explanation.
Alexa exhales sharply and sits down. She leans her elbows on her knees and ruffles her hair.
” I don’t know guys. You guys were there , some men walked into the club and started shooting at people.” Alexa says.
” Okay. I know I was scared and I hid under a table but I could swear this shooters were aiming for Ariel. Nick was even there and they were exchanging bullets. I believe Nick works for Gray.” Piper says.
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