Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 191 – 200


I try to look composed as I search for my knife around my garter. I gently slip it out silently and fake a whimper.

” Why would you say that ?” I ask softly.

” Bitch, I’m gonna ask for the second time , who sent you? Tell me now or I’m gonna shoot both your legs after fucking your little pussy. Slut.”

And that’s what it takes as I start to shudder Internally.

” Breathe babe , use the knife. I’m in and I’ll take it from there. ” Gray tells me through the mic.

” One….” Sinister begins to count.

“Fine , I’ll talk.” I bring out my hand from under the table as I stab sinister’s hand against the table and he screams.

Before his men try to pull out their guns from their belts. Gray shoots both of them.

” You stupid fucker.” Sinister says as he tries to pull out the knife from his hand since it’s stucked between his hand and the table.

Gray walks behind him and slam his head on the table as he grabs a fistful of his hair. Sinister shrieks in pain and curse in Russian.

” You’re gonna breathe and calm down. Tell me where’s your next shipment and which harbour.” Gray tells him.

” Fuck you , I ain’t telling you shit. ” Gray grabs the body of the knife and pierce it deeper into his hand and the table. He screams and I shudder.

” Talk.” Gray warns him sternly.

I turn away from the torment and look at this dead guys. I take out their guns and check the bullet.

” I am not saying shit.”

I turn to look at Gray as he pulls a gun from his jacket and shoot sinister’s ankle. He screams in pain. I think his torment attracted his fellow mobsters as two rushes In. With the adrenaline rush in my system, i point the gun at two men and shoot them before they even pull their trigger. They fall down dead and i almost freaked out. No I freaked out. I just killed someone. I just shot someone dead. Oh my God. What did I just do.

Gunshots erupts from the other side of the club as people scream and shriek.

” Fucker.” Gray scoffs and pulls sinister’s head from the table. He draw out the knife and toss sinister’s bleeding body on the floor like a rag doll.

” Did he tell you?” I ask Gray fighting it hard not to freak out at the people I just killed.

I’m no longer a mobster’s girlfriend , I’m now a murder. Oh God.

” Yes he did.”

” We should leave soon.” I say.

” Stupid fucker.” Sinister yells and try to pull the trigger. Gray scoffs and shoot him on the head.

Oh god , double death.

” Let’s go.” Gray grabs my arm and leads me out of the room.

” Wait.” I stop him and hurriedly pick up Sinister’s phone from his pants pocket in case he’s lying about the shipment details.

The gun shot didn’t stop. We storm out as bullet flies in from every corner.

” Take cover.” Gray drag me to a corner with his back against the fight.

” I know you freaked out. I never wanted you to watch me kill someone.” He says.

The gun shot sound increases as people grunts and cuss.

” And I killed someone too.”

” Breathe. You killed the bad guys and saved your boyfriend from being murdered.”

” God , really. I literally feel like a sinner before God.” I whimper.

He narrows his eyes and swiftly duck a bullet as it hits the glass table. How did he see the bullet coming. Gray turns around and shoot at the supposed person who fired that shot. He scoffs and turns to look at me.

” We shouldn’t be talking about this right now cause there’s a gun fight just few feets away from us.”

” I know, right?” I say sarcastically. What did I just did ? I wasn’t even thinking before shooting the ‘Bad guys’ as Gray put it.

” One rule of the Mafia; kill or get killed. It’s your choice. No one gives a fuck about anyone. You break the Omertà, you get killed. All of that shit is what builds the Mafia. We’re gonna go out there and shoot some fuckers.” He smiles as bullet hit the wall behind me.


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