I remembered the day I called her. The day her mother smashed her phone scolding me to stay away from their tiny little angel . Any guy with normal senses can barely stay away from her.

“Go out with me.” My voice sounds so possessive.
“I need to get inside my apartment.” She sigh worriedly like she’s thinking.

I grab her arm and pull her to me. Her hands flatten on my chest as she stare into my eyes, mouth agape. It’s obvious she’s in college. Her bag and the close apartment to school. She’s too pure.

“Go out with me.” I whisper running my index finger on her cheek. She close her eyes to my touch and lean against my finger on her cheek.
I stop as her eyes snap open backing away from me like something sting her.

“I don’t know you.”
“Doesn’t matter right ?” I raise my brows and watch her hug herself.
“I was serious when i said I wanna stay away from you.”

“I bet i did. You came back to me.”
“You’re weird. What are you doing here ?” She asks.

“What type of business ?” I watch her nervous self and sigh. She is too good for this fucked up world.
I smirk and step closer to her as she move backwards leaning against the wall. So funny.

“Wanna kiss me again snow White ?” I ask her. I tuck her loose hair behind her ears and stare right at those irresistible eyes.

She open her mouth to talk but nothing came out.
“Gray..” she stutters trying to fight something.

“Someone might see us.” She whisper.
“Why do you care ? I’d love to try this again.” I smile at her and lock eyes with her. She act like she couldn’t breathe.

I lean closer to her ear as she gasp but didn’t move. “Later , snow White. I’ll check on you later.” I kiss her cheek and walk back to the elevator.

I press the button and step in as I watch her till the doors slide shut.

Oh my God! I can’t believe I lost my breath again just standing close to him.

*Wanna kiss me again ?*
I thought about his silly words as I open the apartment and get in .

I shut the door and slump on the couch trying to fight whatever impression he thought about me. He’s still a player. Likes girls , smokes and Holy hell he has tattoos and a really cute black dot piercing on both his ears.

Why would I call that cute. I turn on the TV to watch a movie on Netflix. It’s a comedy romance and maybe it sorta help to get rid of Gray even if it was impossible.

He’s weird and worth fighting for. But I’m way lower than his class. I’m not his type obviously. I’m not sexy and I don’t even want a man. I sigh thinking about my pills.

I stand up and stride to my room. I open my drawer and shove out the pills before walking back to the kitchen to get water to swallow these.

I wish I could stop , but it won’t solve my depression.
I sit down opposite the TV after swallowing my pills. I thought about Gray again. I switch on my new phone and keep it back on the table.

“Seriously , you should come to that party. You’re gonna love it.”
Leslie chuckle to nothing as she walks into the apartment with Hazel. I don’t really like her that much. She’s like Leslie , maybe the less better version.

“Sup Ariel.” Hazel smiled at me as she sits on the same couch with me.
“Hi.” I return her greeting.
“Watching friends enemies ?” She snorts , less impressed.
“Really boring.” Leslie scoff and change it to another movie.

I look at her as she scoff irritatingly trying to dare me to talk. She knows me too well. She knew I won’t say a word. She stops tuning and play another movie.
“Antidepressant..” Hazel read out holding my pills.

I sigh and snatch it politely from her. Why would I bring it out.
” You take that ? Why ?” Hazel asks. I sigh and stand up really nervous.
“She’s not okay.” I heard Leslie say as I make my way to my room.
“Really ?”

“She has mental issues.” Leslie continues. I sigh and continue walking to drop my pills.
“Nice phone..” Hazel smiled holding my phone. What a stalker.
“There’s a frat party tonight , you’re coming right ?”

“Of course she’s not. She’s not pretty and no one would want a sassy nerdy child in their parties.” Leslie snorts mockingly as she rests her leg on the arm rest of the couch.

I open my mouth to talk but I couldn’t. So I’m really a nerd ?
“What princess ? You got something to say ?” Leslie snap her fingers at me.

“Not really.”

“Good girl. Just stay at home and read your depressed book. This is college and no hot boy would like to hang out with you. You’re local and not classy. I can’t even hang around you , people will possibly think bad of me. You’re too low and a little ugly.” She scoff as hazel laughs.

I sniffle and quickly pick my phone as I rush to my room. I shut my door and slump on my bed unleashing all my pending tears. Why does my sister Hates me ?
* You’re too low and a little ugly…*

*I can’t possibly hang around you , people will possibly think bad of me..*

I bat my lashes and sit up. I curl my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them. Why can’t I be better ? Am I really low ? It doesn’t really matter right ? What matters is what i think about myself ?


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